Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving dinner guest!

Happy Thanksgiving to our U.S. furends!

As most of our kitty furends knows, our mommy and daddy takes care of a few wild kitties. Well one of the kitties, we calls him Boots, was a kitten lass year.  Mommy noticed last month that now that him is a mancat, the other kitties not always lets him eats hims fud.  Even now him is big, him is very much smaller than the other kitties.

The gud part is that him has been running up on our deck when the other kitties (or the foxes) chases him away.  So mommy has been trying to gets him to come there to eats by putting fuds out fur him.  After a while, him gets it and shows up fur his breakfast and dinners.

Then mommy makes him a house out of our Cabana that goes with our kitty walk system from ourVan.  She also gives him his own special fud and water bowls. So she can picks up his fud after he is done so the other kitties, foxes and racoons not get any ideas to come eat here too. Yesserday night it was very windy and cold so we looks out with a anxious for Boots, and sees him in his house we makes!

A house out of the wind, with a cushion and blankie, and 2 escape routes.
Him was still tucked in and warm this morning when we comes down for breakfast. It was still dark, so mommy not gets a picshur. But her was very happy that he likes his new house. (We hopes he feels the same once we catchs him and gets him's hoo-haas removed!)

Two mancats getting to know each other.
So on this thanksgiving we are thankful fur all our kitty furends and their fambilies that shares their stories, loves and support throughout the year. And for our new outside kitty cousin, Boots!


Edit: We would likes to extend our deepest sympathies to our furends The Taylor Catsssss for the sudden loss of their dear kitty Seaborne Ruskin Taylor. We purr fur their comfurts.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rain, Rain go away!

Me just wants you all to knows we are doing good... cept mommy not has time to helps us blog. Me misses you.
Love, TK