
History of Cat Blogs

This is a project I started in 2010. It was my attempt to capture some of the history of the Catblogosphere before it got lost in cyberspace.  THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL RECORD OF BLOGS, rather my humble attempt to capture some of the data of our history.

My method is quite crude, and painfully slow.  I started with Abbie's, TFTFK and Max's blogs and tracked comments they received to other sites. Then from those sites I tracked comments to more sites.

The links are under the date, and where possibly, they link to the actual post that started the site that was found under the commented account.  This is not to say that there weren't earlier iterations of each blog, simply that the link is the earliest post I could find.

Please feel free to add your blog, with a link and date to the comments section.  I would love to have the information.

First Posts
Abbie March 13, 2001 __________________________________________________________________________________
Tails from the foster Kitties October 15, 2002
Max the psychokitty October 26, 2003
Bubbles April 01, 2004
Jasper McKitten October 25, 2004
William of Mass Destruction December 28, 2004
Skeezix March 15, 2005
Eponine's Cowboy July 1, 2005
Sanjee July 3, 2005 (later merged with Boni to form HOT (M) BC)
Little Cat Feet July 7, 2005
Oreo July 19, 2005
Manx Mnews (Abby) August 15, 2005
Boni October 11, 2005 (Later merged with Sanjee to form HOT (M) BC)
Derby November 3, 2005
Crews' Views November 7, 2005
Dolce December 19, 2005
The Big Piney Woods Cats December 20, 2005
Meezer Tails January 2, 2006
Chey and Gemini January 11, 2006
Fat Eric January 24, 2006
House Panthers March 6, 2006
Buzzerbee's Blog March 7, 2006
Rose and the Royals April 13, 2006
Kismet April 15, 2006
The Catblogosphere April 27, 2006 (link lost in cyberspace)
The Zoo May, 3, 2006
HOT (M) BC June 15, 2006 (Also see Sanjee and Boni)
Luxor June 29, 2006
Rocky July 6, 2006
DaisyMae Maus  July 10, 2006
Emma July 13, 2006
Grr, Midnight and Cocoa July 16, 2006
Eric and Flynn July 20, 2006
Magoo, Smudge, Bella & Dolce  July 25, 2006
Darling Millie August 5, 2006
Rosie and Cheeto August 10, 2006
Mark's Mews August 25, 2006
Junior and Orion September 14, 2006
Purrchance to Dream September 30, 2006
Jack of all Shades and Shadows October 6, 2006
Jeter Harris October 14, 2006
Kattonics Cats December 5, 2006
Daisy December 18, 2006
 Forty Paws January 10, 2007
Karen Jo (Herman blog starts November 20, 2009 but Karen Jo commented on Karsota Castle Feburary 3, 2007)

1 comment:

  1. FWIW, Timothy Dickens has been blogging since close to the same time as Max, and as far as we know is still going on Facebook.
