
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter, efurybody!


Dis our Easter baskets that Auntie Ann makes fur us. Me is in front acause dis mine blog. Mommy says we gets to eats the eggs after efurryone sees us in our baskets. Me bets our Auntie Ann puts treats in them fur us, like her puts in her nice bags fur us when mommy goes to her luncheon.

We is having fun in Florida!  I gets to walks on my leash efuryday acause a mancat needs to checks out him's territory even when him is travelling.  There is so much to checks out!
Me finding a cools.

Pip prepping to attack his favorite wand toy, in the cat tree in ourVan.

Me and mine brofur sleeping togefur. (Previously seen on FB)
Me hopes evfurrybody has a great Holiday.


  1. You two sound like awesome travelers! I hate to admit it, but I am just the opposite.

  2. Yes, you ARE wonderful travelers. Not us, no way and no how. LOL.

    Happy Easter to you all!

  3. Happy Easter! Have a great time on your trip. Lee and Phod

  4. Happy Easter to you too, TK and Pip!

  5. Awwwwww!!! Wonderful TK and perfect Pip and angel Squashies!!! Have a great Easter too!! Yay!! Take care

  6. It's sounds like you guys are having a great time! Happy Easter to you all! oxoxox

  7. You boys are both so sweet. I love that you sleep together.

  8. Mom is awwing all over the place 'cuz you is cuddling. We has a wand toy too!

    Keep your cool on TK, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  9. I love your card and those photos are the best! happy Hoppy Easter dear friends!

  10. Such a great card, you amazing travelers! :)

    Wishing you all a hippity, hoppity, happity Easter!

  11. Wow, so nice to see you two! Hope the Easter Bunny brought you lots of goodies and that you are having a wonderful roadtrip, how cool! Hey, if you ever come out theese way Mini-Cloon would be so happy to hang out wif you both! And what a sweet photo of you two sleeping.

  12. Well darn, we missed this post yesterday. Look at you two in your Easter eggs. Auntie Ann does such a good job putting kitties into eggs and putting ears on donkeys. Hope you had a wonderful Easter and a good trip home.Take care and have a wonderful week.

  13. Happy Easter to all of you; TK, Pip, and Angel Squashies... Sorry, we are a day late.

  14. TK darling...Pip I didn't know you had blogged and so glad I saw this. Live you. xxxooo

  15. Little late fur us to wish you happy Easter but Happy Easter!

    Great photos thanks so much fur sharing. Glad you are doing well

  16. We hope you enjoyed a wonderful holiday. We just love the very cute photos of all of you. Thanks for sharing the lovely post. Have a fantastic upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals
