
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

We gots the sprit!

Ann of zoolatry makes our blog furry festive wif this grate banner. Me is sad we not can take part in all da wonderfur ebents, dis time. Mine mommy sais her was too busy at works to hep us do any of da ebents!?!

Her does lets us go bisit all da venues so we gets to see all the grate enteries.  Is furry much fun. And so much good work on da sponsor's part! (Mine mommy sais dis not so easy to bees a sponsor.)

So on another front- Toby, who is now called Pip-Squeak acause a) him has a tiny little sqeaky meow, and b) acause him actually answers to dat name, is coming in da house for short bisits to gets hims ebening brushings. (After me gets mine brushings, acause me is da mancat of dis house!)

Me closes dis post wif picshurs of each of us:
Pip looks up when mommy calls his new name!

Squashes sucks her fumb, acause her CAN!

Me, TK, prepping fur a good grass bomit! (Mooooommy!  Me finks mine grass needs a trim!)
Me loves you! TK


  1. Well guys maybe the Winter Olympics would be better than the Summer ones!!!
    Glad to hear you are all doing well.

  2. Oh you are ALL so beautiful and loving and I want to snuggle with you so much. Mom wants to HOLD all of you equally but I say why waste a good snuggle? So I vote for snuggles. XOXOX

  3. Oh it's always so good to hear from you guys!

  4. You two are extraordinary athletes! We think you should both win a medal for being cute!

  5. Hi guys! It's great Pip is comfortable now to come inside, at least for a bit. And that there isn't any blood shed. LOL.

    We're sorry you missed entering the Olympic events, though. As has been stated, maybe next time, for the winter games!

  6. Awwwww TK!! Awwww you are so wonderful and so cute!! Me and Charlie love coming here and reading all about your adventures!! And what adventures!! You have grass to mow and barf up - hehehehhehe! And now you also have a good pal called Pip-Squeak who looks so lovely and happy that you are all there to welcome him! Yay! Oh but you are The Mancat of the House first and foremost lovely TK!!

    We are also waving a big hello to sweet Squashies!!! She is too adorable!

    We are totally loving the Pet Olympics - everyone one a winner and totally super cute!!! Yay!!

    Your fab new blogheader is wonderful!! Yay for Ann!

    Take care

  7. We think your olympic banner looks great!!! Glad to hear Pip is getting more comfortable and friendly with all of you :-)

  8. TK and Squashies...OH how good it was to see your familiar faces in the stadium today during our gymnastic event. We are so glad you found a good seat and thank you for attending.

    Friends are the best
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  9. Hi, all three of you guys! We also are not entering any of the Olympic events, due to Mom lazies, but we are enjoying every event nonetheless!

  10. One thing never changes, you all look mighty fine!

  11. Great to see you all. Squashies looks very cute sucking her thumb.

  12. It sure is nice to see you, dear friends! And may we say, you are all looking great? We are really happy to hear that Pip is feeling more secure, and that he comes inside sometimes, too. :)

  13. We were only able to enter a few of the competitions because Mom Paula is so busy with work. Great to see all of you!

  14. A good grass vomit is always refreshing, isn't it?

  15. Hi guys! It's nice to hear from you! Is Pip gonna live with you now??

  16. I love the banner! I'm sorry your mom is too busy, but glad you are enjoying watching Cat-o-lympics:-)
    So Toby is now Pip-Squeak. It's a very cute name! And sounds like he decided it's his name:-) Have a great day, everyone!

  17. We love the banner. May we come and nom grass with you?

  18. Nice to meet some new friends... thanks for sharing your pictures, we'll see ya soon!

    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  19. Nice to meet you! We're now following you, too.
    We also have something in common...we adopted our Brooks at 11 years old! We've had him for 2 months now and he's wonderful! Senior pets are pawsome!!
