
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

We gots the sprit!

Ann of zoolatry makes our blog furry festive wif this grate banner. Me is sad we not can take part in all da wonderfur ebents, dis time. Mine mommy sais her was too busy at works to hep us do any of da ebents!?!

Her does lets us go bisit all da venues so we gets to see all the grate enteries.  Is furry much fun. And so much good work on da sponsor's part! (Mine mommy sais dis not so easy to bees a sponsor.)

So on another front- Toby, who is now called Pip-Squeak acause a) him has a tiny little sqeaky meow, and b) acause him actually answers to dat name, is coming in da house for short bisits to gets hims ebening brushings. (After me gets mine brushings, acause me is da mancat of dis house!)

Me closes dis post wif picshurs of each of us:
Pip looks up when mommy calls his new name!

Squashes sucks her fumb, acause her CAN!

Me, TK, prepping fur a good grass bomit! (Mooooommy!  Me finks mine grass needs a trim!)
Me loves you! TK

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hello World!

Me is sorry me not posts lately. We is all doing gud. But mine mommy is furry not-so-gud at helping us blog.  Me shows picshurs of us.
Dis me, enjoying the cools while is hot out.

Dis Squashies, also in the cools.

Dis Toby, him still a little bit ascared to come in the cools.
Hasa great day!