
Monday, August 23, 2010

Mancat Monday

Hello furends, it's me, TK with my mancat monday post!

First, Squashies and I would likes to thank everyone who came to our Gotcha Day Party. We feels really loved that our furends comes to help us selabrate!  We gives a donation to our Small Miracles Rescue and they were very happy to get it.  They sends us email to thanks all of you for helping them help the forgotten kitties.

Mine mommy was quite the surprized that so many had an interested in the little history thing she has been doing. She sais it was just something she was doing fur herself acause she loves history and she loves our bloggie furends. But now she sees that other kitties might wants to know too, so maybe we can does it together so it goes much quicker.  She will do a post later this week to tell of her methodology so maybe we can come up with something better or everyone can participate with little facts they knows that aren't easy to sees with the way she does it. (We gets lots of those in our last post, and now mommy has a excited again.)

So now here is my post:
Mommy trims my lawn afore the party, so now its all prickly, but I still goes out in the drizzle this morning to get in it, but then the rains come down hard, and I has to run in to the house.  Squashies an mommy was laffin at me, but I not cares, cause I gets to eat some grass.

So thats all that happens, so I thinks I'll go settle down and read some of my furends' blogs!
Has a great Monday kitties.


  1. A little bit of grass is always a good way to start your day!

  2. Grass is furry nommy! We had a BLAST at your Gotcha Day Pawty! Thanx for having us!

  3. TK your tummy is so kissable!!! Let your mum know that we will help any way we can with her history project :-)

  4. Nomming grass is a great way to start the day, no matter if there's a bit of drizzle. :-)

  5. Awww handsome TK!! So long as you enjoyed nomming your grass come rain or shine is all that matters! :-)

    Me and Charlie look forward to your mum's post - it's a very interesting idea!

    A big hug to lovely Squashies too!

    Take care

  6. It is a fascinating history. I bet it has kept you quite busy this week!

  7. Hey Mr. TK- Totally Kickin'!! You are looking great, guy!! I like that come close, but not too close look on your face! You seriously look like a tough dude with a soft heart, but I won't put you to the test...I'll believe what I see!! Purrs, Lautrec (and Tiny)

  8. You just look totally comfy...and I think that is fantastic!!!

  9. We love a good grass nom too!

  10. You got to be in the rain??? All we got to do was smell it!!!!

    You didn't have to apologize last week for leaving us out of your history section, but thanks for adding us.

  11. We think history of the CB is a great idea! It's really interesting. We are such greenhorns we hadn't heard of some of the greats. MOL :)

    PS My human wants to get in the last picture and pat your tummeh. It's so soft and furry.

  12. We always like to start the day with a chomp on the grass.
    We enjoyed your Gotcha Day party. We had lots of fun.

  13. Nom nom nom grasses is always good!

    Momma says she must snorgle your tum!


  14. A run on the grass and a nap are the purrfect way to start the day.

  15. It's okay to get a little we as long as you got some grass to nom on!!

  16. What's grass? I've never been outside.

  17. It seems like there has been ain in a lot of places. But it is good in the end, at helping grass and stuff grow.

  18. Ohhh, you look so sweet there. I don't have anything to add to the project, but I can't wait to read it.

  19. We really wish we had a lawn! Mommy says when it gets cooler she might try growing us one.

    We had a great time at your party! You and Squashies are purrfect hosts.

  20. Anytime you can get out in the grass you gotta go for it!
    Too good to pass up!

  21. Oh, handsome TK, our Mommy wants to smooch that adorable tummy!...Happy week, precious friends; kisses, sweet boy...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  22. Morning TK you are very handsome today your gray fur is so plush and well groomed!!!
    Hugs Madi
