Our mommy has to take a break from helping us blogs for a few weeks cause her work needs her.
We promises we be back as soon as we can.
Love TK and Squashies.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tracking Tuesday- "History of the Cat Blog"
Hello TK and Squashies' mom here. Squashies told me that some of you kitties were interested in the research we were doing together about the Cat Blog world. She asked if I would explain our methodology.
The way we started was simple: we looked for the longest blogging kitties we could find and then clicked on their earliest posts' commentor's links to see when each of the commentors started. It sounds simple enough right?
There are 3 major problems with this approach- a) large social groups tend to clusters in to like-minded subsets, so getting a true picture of the whole kitty blog world requires more than one “Origin Blog”, b) getting caught in the web of crossing links can be daunting; c) reading blogs in the order they were written is a lot of fun… and tremendously distracting.
Quite a few of you have volunteered to help out with the project, so what I would like to propose is that we make Tuesday our Tracking post day. We will publish what we have to date in that post and anyone that has anything to add they can post in the comments. Your data will be added on the following Tuesday. This also allows us to archive the research we do. I'm not sure how we should present our data so if anyone has ideas, I would love some advice. I'd like to keep it relatively simple to start, but chosing a final format may dictate the data we collect. For instance the most detailed format would be to do a relationship chart. (Like the one that was popularized by The L Word.) This would require all origin-blog searches be documented individually, and all commenters recorded. This is probably more work than anyone has time for, and would quickly burn-out out researchers, which would mean we would end up with nothing at all. (But wouldn't that be cool!)
Anyone that would like to help add a new line (origin-blog,) can volunteer to search a specific blog, you can even if you want to start with your own blog. We’ll add/update your selected blog as an origin-blog in the list below with an asterisk before the name and the name of the researcher after the blog and start date. This should mitigate redundant searches.
I have three requests:
1) If everyone can make sure that they have an Archive button somewhere in their sidebar, it would make researching your blog a lot easier. If we can't find your 'first post' you can't be counted!
2) If we want this to be accurate we MUST have a link (documented proof) that supports any claim we make. Even if that link is just to someone else’s blog post for which the blogger in question has commented.
3) If you see an error, omission (especially older blogs) we want to know!
So here is what I have so far-
Max October 26, 2003
Jasper McKitten October 25, 2004
William of Mass Destruction December 28, 2004
Skeezix March 15, 2005 (whose very first comment was from some dude named EE, saying that Skeezix was ugly. So hey, EE- how do you like him now!?! You're gone and he's an icon. )
Eponine's Cowboy July 1, 2005
Sanjee July 3, 2005 (later merged with Boni to form HOT (M) BC)
Little Cat Feet July 7, 2005
Oreo July 19, 2005
Manx Mnews (Abby) August 15, 2005
Boni October 11, 2005 (Later merged with Sanjee to form HOT (M) BC)
Derby November 3, 2005
Crews' Views November 7, 2005
Dolce December 19, 2005
The Big Piney Woods Cats December 20, 2005
Meezer Tails January 2, 2006
Chey and Gemini January 11, 2006
Fat Eric January 24, 2006
Kismet April 15, 2006
HOT (M) BC June 15, 2006 (Also see Sanjee and Boni)
Luxor June 29, 2006
Rocky July 6, 2006
DaisyMae Maus July 10, 2006
Emma July 13, 2006
Eric and Flynn July 20, 2006
Darling Millie August 5, 2006
Rosie and Cheeto August 10, 2006
Junior and Orion September 14, 2006
Purrchance to Dream September 18, 2006
Jeter Harris October 14, 2006
Kattonics Cats December 5, 2006
Daisy December 18, 2006
Karen Jo (Herman blog starts November 20, 2009 but Karen Jo commented on Karsota Castle Feburary 3, 2007)
The way we started was simple: we looked for the longest blogging kitties we could find and then clicked on their earliest posts' commentor's links to see when each of the commentors started. It sounds simple enough right?
There are 3 major problems with this approach- a) large social groups tend to clusters in to like-minded subsets, so getting a true picture of the whole kitty blog world requires more than one “Origin Blog”, b) getting caught in the web of crossing links can be daunting; c) reading blogs in the order they were written is a lot of fun… and tremendously distracting.
Quite a few of you have volunteered to help out with the project, so what I would like to propose is that we make Tuesday our Tracking post day. We will publish what we have to date in that post and anyone that has anything to add they can post in the comments. Your data will be added on the following Tuesday. This also allows us to archive the research we do. I'm not sure how we should present our data so if anyone has ideas, I would love some advice. I'd like to keep it relatively simple to start, but chosing a final format may dictate the data we collect. For instance the most detailed format would be to do a relationship chart. (Like the one that was popularized by The L Word.) This would require all origin-blog searches be documented individually, and all commenters recorded. This is probably more work than anyone has time for, and would quickly burn-out out researchers, which would mean we would end up with nothing at all. (But wouldn't that be cool!)
Anyone that would like to help add a new line (origin-blog,) can volunteer to search a specific blog, you can even if you want to start with your own blog. We’ll add/update your selected blog as an origin-blog in the list below with an asterisk before the name and the name of the researcher after the blog and start date. This should mitigate redundant searches.
I have three requests:
1) If everyone can make sure that they have an Archive button somewhere in their sidebar, it would make researching your blog a lot easier. If we can't find your 'first post' you can't be counted!
2) If we want this to be accurate we MUST have a link (documented proof) that supports any claim we make. Even if that link is just to someone else’s blog post for which the blogger in question has commented.
3) If you see an error, omission (especially older blogs) we want to know!
So here is what I have so far-
Max October 26, 2003
Jasper McKitten October 25, 2004
William of Mass Destruction December 28, 2004
Skeezix March 15, 2005 (whose very first comment was from some dude named EE, saying that Skeezix was ugly. So hey, EE- how do you like him now!?! You're gone and he's an icon. )
Eponine's Cowboy July 1, 2005
Sanjee July 3, 2005 (later merged with Boni to form HOT (M) BC)
Little Cat Feet July 7, 2005
Oreo July 19, 2005
Manx Mnews (Abby) August 15, 2005
Boni October 11, 2005 (Later merged with Sanjee to form HOT (M) BC)
Derby November 3, 2005
Crews' Views November 7, 2005
Dolce December 19, 2005
The Big Piney Woods Cats December 20, 2005
Meezer Tails January 2, 2006
Chey and Gemini January 11, 2006
Fat Eric January 24, 2006
Kismet April 15, 2006
HOT (M) BC June 15, 2006 (Also see Sanjee and Boni)
Luxor June 29, 2006
Rocky July 6, 2006
DaisyMae Maus July 10, 2006
Emma July 13, 2006
Eric and Flynn July 20, 2006
Darling Millie August 5, 2006
Rosie and Cheeto August 10, 2006
Junior and Orion September 14, 2006
Purrchance to Dream September 18, 2006
Jeter Harris October 14, 2006
Kattonics Cats December 5, 2006
Daisy December 18, 2006
Karen Jo (Herman blog starts November 20, 2009 but Karen Jo commented on Karsota Castle Feburary 3, 2007)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Mancat Monday
Hello furends, it's me, TK with my mancat monday post!
First, Squashies and I would likes to thank everyone who came to our Gotcha Day Party. We feels really loved that our furends comes to help us selabrate! We gives a donation to our Small Miracles Rescue and they were very happy to get it. They sends us email to thanks all of you for helping them help the forgotten kitties.
Mine mommy was quite the surprized that so many had an interested in the little history thing she has been doing. She sais it was just something she was doing fur herself acause she loves history and she loves our bloggie furends. But now she sees that other kitties might wants to know too, so maybe we can does it together so it goes much quicker. She will do a post later this week to tell of her methodology so maybe we can come up with something better or everyone can participate with little facts they knows that aren't easy to sees with the way she does it. (We gets lots of those in our last post, and now mommy has a excited again.)
So now here is my post:
Mommy trims my lawn afore the party, so now its all prickly, but I still goes out in the drizzle this morning to get in it, but then the rains come down hard, and I has to run in to the house. Squashies an mommy was laffin at me, but I not cares, cause I gets to eat some grass.
First, Squashies and I would likes to thank everyone who came to our Gotcha Day Party. We feels really loved that our furends comes to help us selabrate! We gives a donation to our Small Miracles Rescue and they were very happy to get it. They sends us email to thanks all of you for helping them help the forgotten kitties.
Mine mommy was quite the surprized that so many had an interested in the little history thing she has been doing. She sais it was just something she was doing fur herself acause she loves history and she loves our bloggie furends. But now she sees that other kitties might wants to know too, so maybe we can does it together so it goes much quicker. She will do a post later this week to tell of her methodology so maybe we can come up with something better or everyone can participate with little facts they knows that aren't easy to sees with the way she does it. (We gets lots of those in our last post, and now mommy has a excited again.)
So now here is my post:
Mommy trims my lawn afore the party, so now its all prickly, but I still goes out in the drizzle this morning to get in it, but then the rains come down hard, and I has to run in to the house. Squashies an mommy was laffin at me, but I not cares, cause I gets to eat some grass.
So thats all that happens, so I thinks I'll go settle down and read some of my furends' blogs!
Has a great Monday kitties.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Femme Friday
Hello Bloggie Furends, it's Squashies, with my Femme Friday Post!
I'm sure everyone knows what a rough week it has been in the Cat Blogsphere. August 18, 2010 has been called "the day of tears". On that day we lost four blogging kitties. Luxor, Eric, Molly and Winnie.
To most of us freshmen bloggers these first two kitties are, simply put- Legends. They were part of a small group of pioneering kitties that, through their actions, defined our blogging world and taught many of us to explore our own thoughts and share them with others.
On January 2006 Eric made his debut from London. He was greeted by other Legends such as Abby, The Crew, Derby, Dolce, Little Cat Feet, Max, the Meezers, Oreo, Patches, Skeezix and others. His blog is a great read, if you want hours of entertainment, I highly recommend you read it- start to finish. It is a funny, witty, amazing chronicle of the life of Eric. Of course the end will break your heart.
As near as I can tell, Luxor came online in September 2006* He was greeted by Greats: Daisy, Derby, Eric and Flynn, Junior and Orion, Little Cat Feet, Max, the Meezers, Millie, Rosie and Cheeto, Skeezix, Speedy, William, and others. His blog is also a wonderful read. The photography is often stunning and the stories are a fun and well written tail of this whitest of cats. You should read it all, you won't be disappointed!
Molly's Alexi started blogging in February 2007. She was greeted by Chey, Daisy, KarenJo, the Meezers, Skeezix and a few others. This also a fun blog with interesting topics like cat shows and breeding. Definitely worth reading!
You might wonder why I mention the greeters of these kitties. The truth is that I think of them as a big family. They have all been friends for a very long time. Together they have laughed, teased, celebrated, taught, learned, helped each other through difficult times; and they have mourned as a family.
I am fairly new to the bloggy world, and I have cried, hard, for these kitties. I can only imagine how I would feel if we had grown up together.
So for all of you that have paved the way for all of us- we are sorry for your loss, and we purr for your comfort.
My mommy is researching the history of the CB and the "Legends of the Blog", but it is very tricky stuff, and she doesn't have a lot of time to devote to it right now. If you would like to help please let us know!
*There are some earlier posts, but they were not content, Luxor may have ported from another venue.
I'm sure everyone knows what a rough week it has been in the Cat Blogsphere. August 18, 2010 has been called "the day of tears". On that day we lost four blogging kitties. Luxor, Eric, Molly and Winnie.
To most of us freshmen bloggers these first two kitties are, simply put- Legends. They were part of a small group of pioneering kitties that, through their actions, defined our blogging world and taught many of us to explore our own thoughts and share them with others.
On January 2006 Eric made his debut from London. He was greeted by other Legends such as Abby, The Crew, Derby, Dolce, Little Cat Feet, Max, the Meezers, Oreo, Patches, Skeezix and others. His blog is a great read, if you want hours of entertainment, I highly recommend you read it- start to finish. It is a funny, witty, amazing chronicle of the life of Eric. Of course the end will break your heart.
As near as I can tell, Luxor came online in September 2006* He was greeted by Greats: Daisy, Derby, Eric and Flynn, Junior and Orion, Little Cat Feet, Max, the Meezers, Millie, Rosie and Cheeto, Skeezix, Speedy, William, and others. His blog is also a wonderful read. The photography is often stunning and the stories are a fun and well written tail of this whitest of cats. You should read it all, you won't be disappointed!
Molly's Alexi started blogging in February 2007. She was greeted by Chey, Daisy, KarenJo, the Meezers, Skeezix and a few others. This also a fun blog with interesting topics like cat shows and breeding. Definitely worth reading!
You might wonder why I mention the greeters of these kitties. The truth is that I think of them as a big family. They have all been friends for a very long time. Together they have laughed, teased, celebrated, taught, learned, helped each other through difficult times; and they have mourned as a family.
I am fairly new to the bloggy world, and I have cried, hard, for these kitties. I can only imagine how I would feel if we had grown up together.
So for all of you that have paved the way for all of us- we are sorry for your loss, and we purr for your comfort.
The lists presented here were not exhaustedly researched; if you belong in any of these lists please let me know in your comments. We turly want to honor you!My mommy is researching the history of the CB and the "Legends of the Blog", but it is very tricky stuff, and she doesn't have a lot of time to devote to it right now. If you would like to help please let us know!
*There are some earlier posts, but they were not content, Luxor may have ported from another venue.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Our 2nd Gotcha Day!
Hello Furends! Today, August 18th, is our 2nd Gotcha day. We have had 2 wonderful years with our furever mommy and daddy, and we have invited all you to our furever home to celebrate with us. So please feel welcome!
We have all our best toys scattered about the house and on the deck. There are refreshments in the dining area- with delicacies from our area. We have crabcakes, oysters, clams, ham and lightly grilled steak! We hope that you all have a good time.
Thank you again, for coming to celebrate with us!
Love, TK and Squashies
*duplicate senders will only be counted once, spam will be disregarded.
We have all our best toys scattered about the house and on the deck. There are refreshments in the dining area- with delicacies from our area. We have crabcakes, oysters, clams, ham and lightly grilled steak! We hope that you all have a good time.
While you are enjoying the party- we ask that you take a few minutes to purr for all the kitties that don’t have a home yet. We purr that all kitties find a furever fambily that they can love, just like we have! We also purr for all the people that give of their time, energy and love to help the kitties that have no one of their own.
safe, warm, loved
In honor of our Gotcha day, and our great bloggy furends, we will give a $1 donation to Small Miracles Cat Rescue for every* comment we get today. We love Small Miracles for taking care of us while we waited for our mommy to find us, and for the work that they do everyday on behalf of all the kitties that are still waiting.
Thank you again, for coming to celebrate with us!
Love, TK and Squashies
*duplicate senders will only be counted once, spam will be disregarded.
Getting ready!
Squashies: TK?
TK: Yeah Squashies?
Squashies: Are you ready?
TK: Readys for what?
Squashies: Our Gotcha party tomorrow!
TK: Oh!? what do I have to do?
Squashies: We'll our kitty furends are coming to see our furever home, and we want them to be comfortable and have fun things to do.
TK: Oh!? what do I have to do?
Squashies: Well you can go through our toy basket and put out fun toys for our furends to play with!
TK: Oh. OK. Where should I put them?
Squashies: You can put them all over, so our furends can play whereever they want to be.
TK: I can put toys in my lawn so all our furends can play there too!
Squashies: That would be nice TK!
TK: Squashies?
Squashies: Yes TK?
TK: When will our furends be here?
Squashies: Tomorrow TK.
TK: How long is that?
Squashies: You have to sleep and wake-up 20 more times.
TK: Yeah Squashies?
Squashies: Are you ready?
TK: Readys for what?
Squashies: Our Gotcha party tomorrow!
TK: Oh!? what do I have to do?
Squashies: We'll our kitty furends are coming to see our furever home, and we want them to be comfortable and have fun things to do.
TK: Oh!? what do I have to do?
Squashies: Well you can go through our toy basket and put out fun toys for our furends to play with!
TK: Oh. OK. Where should I put them?
Squashies: You can put them all over, so our furends can play whereever they want to be.
TK: I can put toys in my lawn so all our furends can play there too!
Squashies: That would be nice TK!
TK: Squashies?
Squashies: Yes TK?
TK: When will our furends be here?
Squashies: Tomorrow TK.
TK: How long is that?
Squashies: You have to sleep and wake-up 20 more times.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Mancat Monday
Hello Bloggie Furends, it's me, TK, here for my Mancat Monday Post!
We hopes you all has a wonderful weekend. We has a very quiet one, with all the rains and mommy wurking so much. Mostly we eatted, goes on the deck, gets in my lawn, comes in, haded treats, took baffs, plays, sleeped, got brushings, sleeped, eatted, plays and sleeped some more. I did gets to play with my Casbah Squidmonster with mommy on Caturday. This always the fun!
We has eggsited this week- acause Winsday is our Gotcha-Day. Thats right kitties, me and my little sister, Squashies, has been wif mine mommy and daddy fur 2 years! We knows how lucky we is, wif all the poor shelter kitties that still not has homes. And can you believes that mine mommy thinks that she is the lucky one? She sais we is such great kitties and she is grateful that we comes to lives with her. Isn't that pawsome?
We has a big partee here on Winsday to celebrate. We sure hopes all our furends can drop by and partake of our hospitalitee! We promises to has real Maryland crabbycakes, oysters and clams. So you can tries our local seafoods. (They not has any BP oool on them!)
So has a great mancat monday bloggy furrends.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Femme Friday
Hello Blog Furends, it's me- Squashies with my Femme Friday Post!
I has decided to use the picshur that Sammy and Andy's mommy makes as my permenant Fem-Friday reporter head shot.
Speaking of Sammy and Andy- today is Andy's 10th Birthday- so if you haven't already, swing by and say hi to him.
It has been a hard week on kitties this week, as you probably know Chey and Sniffie both had surgery yesterday. We are purring that they will feel better real soon.
It's a bit rainy here today so I didn't go out on the deck this morning. TK, however was undaunted and ran out to get in his lawn. Silly boy... Eatting grass in the rain.
Other than that- we are looking forward to a quiet weekend. We hope you all have a wonderful time!
I has decided to use the picshur that Sammy and Andy's mommy makes as my permenant Fem-Friday reporter head shot.
Speaking of Sammy and Andy- today is Andy's 10th Birthday- so if you haven't already, swing by and say hi to him.
It has been a hard week on kitties this week, as you probably know Chey and Sniffie both had surgery yesterday. We are purring that they will feel better real soon.
It's a bit rainy here today so I didn't go out on the deck this morning. TK, however was undaunted and ran out to get in his lawn. Silly boy... Eatting grass in the rain.
Other than that- we are looking forward to a quiet weekend. We hope you all have a wonderful time!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Purring fur Sniffie and a Reward.
Today Sniffie is hasing her surjery. If you gets a chance, stop by and tells her fambily we is thinking of them.
Speaking of purrs- we not heards from our dear furend Herman in a long times. Does anyone knows of him and hims mommy KarenJo? We has a worry-worry.
So our new friends over at Furbaby Chat! gives us this lobely reward! We is so honored that they thinks of us. Thank you Lauren and the Furbabies!
1. Thank the puppy, kitty or person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who "you have recently discovered and you think are fantastic!"
So dis my list (answered by TK)
This a very hard thing, acause I loves all my bloggy furends. We is new to blogging, all our furends is recent discoveries so we not chooses by who has been blogging shortest. We puts our list in alfabetical orders so no one finks we loves them more. (If you wants to see our real lists- looks in our sidebar!)
So the rules is:
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
- Our mommy 'dopted me and my little susfur when we was mature. We not knows how mature we is, but the vets spects we were anywhere from 5 to 10 when we gets 'dopted.
- We has lived with mommy fur almost 2 years. (And our gotcha-day is coming up! August 18.)
- I has a lawn that my daddy plants fur me. It has nice wheat grass that I can nom and snuggles down in when we has the hots.
- Sometimes I lets Squashies gets in my lawn. I not ever chases her out, cause she deserves to sits in the lawn sometimes- even though it is my lawn, planted for me by my daddy.
- My lawn also has a tomator plant in with it. This makes extra shade in the late afternoons when I sits in my lawn.
- Tomators are very fun to bat around on the decks, but they are not very delishus.
- "Delishus" is a wurd I learned from my friend Daisy the Curly Cat!
Now I has to pass the award along to 15 bloggers who "you have recently discovered and you think are fantastic!"
- Brian and his Ladies
- Calle, Halle, Sukki, Momma Cat, Daddy Cat and Tom (and Jacqueline)
- Cat and her cats
- Charlie (and Old Kitty)
- The Crew- George, Tipper, Max and Misty
- Derby and Ducky
- Eric and Flynn
- Harley (and Maya)
- The Meezers and Billy
- Pierro and Miles
- Raymond and Busby
- Spot and Fiona
Edit- fixed Attie's link
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Vote fur Rumblepurr!
OK my kittie furends, there is only two days lefted to votes for New Zealand's Next Top Cat Model! We are endorsing our dear and handsome mancat furend d'Artagnan Rumblepurr, him is a blogger juss like us!
Rumblepurr was winning on August 2nd, afore some other kitties gets TV and press time. Now him is in third and we has to do our parts. Rumbles and hims brofur Indigo are a wonnerful memburs of our bloggie fambily. They has selebrated, they has purrayed, they has worry-worried, and they has mourned wif us. Always quick wif a supportive word and kind gesture. We loves them and we is sure if you knows them, you do too.
So clicks on the contest link and votes fur a kitty that you likes. (We thinks Rumbles is clearly the bestest kitty.) It not costs any monies. All you has to do is gives a email address. You can votes once purr email address, so if you gots other emails or a cell phone with texting you can votes with those too!
For US and Canadian fambilies- note that NZ is a day ahead of us so today is your very last chance to help the kitty you is cheering fur!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Mancat Monday
Hi Bloggie Furends, TK here with my mancat monday post.
This me, hanging out in my lawn during the not-so-hots.
It has been not-so-hots the last 2 days, and I has been taking avantage by hanging out on the deck. As you can see, my lawns is getting long again, but mommy not has time to helps me trim it acause her work is being opressive again. I not really minds acause it is fun to honker down into the cool grass.
So lots of things has come to our feeder, we sees the baby deers again, but then, while they was eatting the berries, a big mandeer comes along and chases the mommy deer into the woods. The little baby deers stayed all by their selves for a few minutes then they runned after the mommy. I not know what that was all about. (Mommy is sorry she not gets a picshur of the baby deers for you- she not could get the camera quick enough.)
But she does gets a picshur of one of the ferals that we has dopted. This is "Socks".
Socks comes around for a bite to eats every once in awhile. The summer menu is a normal calorie mix, acause we not wants the kitties to gets too fat to get away from the foxes.
In other news we gets our order from Alice and Jane, and mommy is very 'cited that I might finds a toy-furrend that I love that is not "red mousie". See "red mousies" are made by a very nice old lady that not can makes them anymore. Mommy has been afrantic acause the remaining "red mousie" is really getting teared up. (She thinks I not knows there has been more than one, but I does.) She has been fixing him as best she can, but she not really good with those things. So she has been trying to finds me something else that I might loves as much as "red mousie". So this is what might be my new "red mousie" a fun toy that bats around, but not fits under the couch.
TK playing with new toy-furrend TNT, with the very last of the old "red mousie"s to the right.
I not sure I is ready to give up "red mousie", he has been my favorite toy-furrend for a very long time.
Anyways, has a good Monday bloggie furrends!
Monday, August 2, 2010
We Win a Pawsome Prize.
Hello Bloggie Furends, it's me-Squashies to tell you about something great that happened.
So on Fridays we gets our first mail evah. It was addressed to us!

Alice and Jane of Casbah Kitten has contests sometimes on Mondays and guess what? A week ago we wins the Cashbah Kitten Los Muertos skull toys!
At first mommy was going to wait until Monday to open it. So we could show it for our Tuesday post; but on Saturday, I found the envelop sitting on mommy's desk. It smelled so good I decided to play with it.
Now keep up kitties, I am going to show you a new dance move. It's called "The Nip Dance".
Sniff, Grab, Chew, Roll.
Sniff, Grab, Chew.
Sniff, Grab, Roll.
Purr, Purr, Happy Kitty.
So here I am dancing. Feel free to join in.
Then mommy opened it for us, and the real fun began!
Purr, Purr, Happy Kitty.
Now- Dancing with TK!
Purr, Purr, Happy Kitty!
We hope you had fun doing the Nip-Dance.
Thanks again to Alice and Jane and their mommy furr the wonderful gift!
Have a great day Bloggie Furrends.
PeeEss- the Casbah kittens are having another contest. See yesterday's post with Jane. The prize is froggies!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Mancat Monday
Hi Bloggie Furrends. TK here for my mancat monday posts.
First we not has the hots this weekend. YAY! So we selebrates by spending lots of time on the deck. It was great until Squashies almost gets a birdie what was trying to gets a drink in the birdie bath. So then we has to go in and just looks at the birdies through the screen. (The birdie flew off minus 4 tail fevars.)
I also wants to tells you that I thinks something is going on cause we has steak on Saturday nights from the Outback. I looks that up on the innernets and it shows that mine mommy musta goes hunting all the way in Austraila. I not sure how she does it cause she was only gone like 15 minutes.
So something great happens- we gots to be LOL Cats! That's right furrends, that funny bean named Wendy makes jokes about us that makes you laff-n-laff! You should goes checks her out! Thank you Wendy we loves the posts you does about us! We is honored.
In udder news we wins a prize from Jane and Alice's contest on July 19. I is gonna lets Squashies tells you about it tomorrow cause she opens the mails. But I wants to say- this the most mazing fun I has had in a very long time!
Afore Saturday mine mommy thinks we not likes catnip, now she knows we just not likes crappy catnip. This is the good stuff! Thanks Alice and Jane for alightening mine mommy.
First we not has the hots this weekend. YAY! So we selebrates by spending lots of time on the deck. It was great until Squashies almost gets a birdie what was trying to gets a drink in the birdie bath. So then we has to go in and just looks at the birdies through the screen. (The birdie flew off minus 4 tail fevars.)
I also wants to tells you that I thinks something is going on cause we has steak on Saturday nights from the Outback. I looks that up on the innernets and it shows that mine mommy musta goes hunting all the way in Austraila. I not sure how she does it cause she was only gone like 15 minutes.
So something great happens- we gots to be LOL Cats! That's right furrends, that funny bean named Wendy makes jokes about us that makes you laff-n-laff! You should goes checks her out! Thank you Wendy we loves the posts you does about us! We is honored.
In udder news we wins a prize from Jane and Alice's contest on July 19. I is gonna lets Squashies tells you about it tomorrow cause she opens the mails. But I wants to say- this the most mazing fun I has had in a very long time!
Afore Saturday mine mommy thinks we not likes catnip, now she knows we just not likes crappy catnip. This is the good stuff! Thanks Alice and Jane for alightening mine mommy.
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