
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Heartfelt Thank You!

We are so over-whelmed with all the purrs, grrrs and prayers sent from around the world for our little Squashies. We read all of your emails and your comments, and it made our hearts a little lighter, to know so many understand how hard it is when your furbabies are in danger.

On Saturday morning, when I went to take my shower, Squashies didn't come running for our ritual time together.  Thinking she was too sick to come, I was heart-broken.  I had a tearful shower, remembering our last Girl-time together.  She, on the throne, guarding the door while I was behind the curtain, then an incredibly graceful jump to the counter when it was time to get dolled-up.

I took her brushes down to the tree where she was sleeping; we would do Girl-time there.  When I went to brush her, she startled.  I realized she couldn't hear me... at all.

Squashies was deaf.

It was sad to see her so lost and confused.  She and I have always communicated verbally. She understands many sounds, such as the shower, meaning it will soon be "Girl-time" and "I'll be right back," meaning that she should wait for me, the rattle of the Temptations bag... BLISS.  And endless singing... we have a song for every event, and sometimes, such as our rendition of Old MacSquashies, she would join in.

We spent most of the weekend in her favorite place- the deck, where she alternately sunned herself and sat in my lap when she got to warm.  A quiet weekend, all too quiet for Squashies.

Relying on her nose, where her ears fail her

Resting in the box-of-lawn

Tired kitty

Inexplicably, last night, without visual stimulation, she jumped up when I opened the treat bag. The paw-power, and anti-inflammatory drops were doing their job! Our little girl could hear again.

Both she and I,are manic about this change of events.  With each passing moment her confidence grows.  We even had Girl-time this morning, with one small deviation. After several minutes of butt wiggling and doubtful looks at the counter, I lifted her over the cavernous space between toilet and 'catwalk'.  She didn't seem to mind.  Instantly she was "MAC, MAAAACing" away to Old MacSquashies.

 I thank you all again, for giving me this space to sort it all out, and for your understanding, which means the world to me.

Showing her up-side-down heart love for her furends.



  1. Squashies and Mom, we love you both so much and we will keep purring and thinking positive thoughts that Squashies is okay! We know how much positive thinking can help.

  2. We love you, too! So glad you had special "Girl-time" this morning. :)

    We'll keep on purring and praying. Take all the time you need, dear friends!

  3. That is great news! My childhood cat (who lived to be 19) went deaf around age 17. It was a strange time for me, but we adjusted. Cats are very adaptable that way. Continued purrs for you!

  4. Oh Squashies, I am over the moon happy that you heard the treat bag and that you had your girl time this morning. I can't tell you how gad I am. MUCH love to you...TK too, and your mommy who is waiting every second for you to let her know you are better and better, dear one. Please let us know as often as you can how you are progressing. XOXOXOX

  5. We are glad she seems to be doing better. Our purrs to Squashies to continue to get better.

  6. Squashies, we are so glad to read that the medicines are helping you! We will keep purring!!!

  7. We are so happy to hear the meds are working and doing some good. We'll keep purring too so you get all better Squashies. You are a cutie.

  8. We are so pleased to read that Squashies is getting back to her routine.
    Madi does the exact same thing at shower time except it is with her Dad. In 10 years she has only sat with me one time. Mornings are for Madi and Dad.

    We'll keep purring the drops do their job and Squash enjoys life as she should.
    hugs madi and mom

  9. Things like this will have its ups and downs. Even just kitties aging can be a roller coaster of good and bad days. Hope the drops help and she continues to have quality time. We are all sending purrs and from us that's a lot of purrs!

  10. Oh, this is a positive update! Our continued purrs and purrayers that the drops do their work!

    (((Hugs))) and kitty kisses.

  11. Awwwwwww MacSquashies!! Awww you adorable girl! Me and Charlie are so happy to read that you singing again!! We hope you sing loud and strong! We hope you hear lots more treat bag shaking and have long and happy girl-time with mum getting dolled up! Yay!! Awww sweet Squashies - please please continue to get better!! Take care

  12. Mommy here is leaky eyed reading this. We hope Squashies will fully recover from what is in her ears. She sounds like such a sweetheart.

  13. We are all sending purrs to Squashies around the clock. One of us is always on duty sending purrs. Love ya Squashies!

  14. My heart dropped when I started reading, I'm so happy to hear things worked out in the end. I'm not going to stop purring for you guys.

  15. I turned on the computer and was ALL anxiety until I had checked. THings look good. She is happy, you are happy. This is Good :-)

  16. YAY, we are so glad that Squashies is starting to feel herself again!!! It's the power of the purrs I have no doubt :-)

  17. Squashies and Mom
    We are so delighted to know you had your girl time and most impawtantly that you HEARD the treat bag!
    We are still purring up a storm for you because we know you have lots more adventures to conquer!
    Feel better real soon!
    Lots of fuzzy hugs

  18. HURRAH!!!!! Squashies, you keep up the singing and the medicine and purrs will do the rest.

  19. So glad to hear that Squashies is starting to feel better and get some hearing back! We are still sending our best purrs!

  20. So glad to hear that Squashies is getting better, and starting to hear again. Hang in there, Squashies. ppuurrrrsss to you all.

  21. Oh we are so happy that the medicine is helping Squashies! We continue to purr for her.

  22. We are glad she is doing better, that you can sing and share Girl Time! That's great!

  23. This must be such a hard time for you both. We're following now to stay updated only your beautiful girl.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  24. Oh gosh, that is such good news that Squashie can hear again and that the medicine is working. We are thrilled. We are sending many more purrs and hugs to both of you. Take care.

  25. Mom Paula's eyes are leaking as she reads this! We are so happy to hear there is some progress with the medicine. We'll continue to purr for Squashies.

    Truffle and Brulee

  26. I was all tears reading that your sweet Squashies could not hear. And I got more tears to know she could hear again! I am so happy she is getting better and you had Girl-time in the morning!! We continue our praying and purring for Squashies!

  27. Such good news. So glad Squashie can hear and is doing better!

  28. We are so, so, so glad that Squashies can hear again. TraciBug was all teary eyed reading, there are many things that she was used to doing with Sammy! We will continue to purr and pray for Squashies.

    Love and Hugs,

    Sir Andy, Shelly & Sierra ... and TraciBug!!!

  29. Hi Squashies, Our Mom just read your posts to us, we felt happy to know you could hear again! Not to hear the birds sing or your Mommies voice call you would be sad. Purrz and pawrys for you to keep improving Squashies=^Y^=

  30. Squashies, how are you today darling girl? and kissies.

  31. It sounds as if Squashies is coming good again. ATTA GIRL!!!!
    I am sending you lots more purrs.

  32. Hmmm. This is the 2nd place where our comment is missing. We have been purring for you, Squashies, and will keep at it until you are fully recovered. Have a good weekend!

  33. Keep getting better Squashies, purrs to you!
