
Friday, May 25, 2012

Femme Friday

Auntie Judi hat!

Squashies and I went to see the V.E.T. yesterday evening.  This visit was so different from the last.  Last week she was so sick, she just let them do what they needed to do.  This time, she had the strength to bring her feral side.  Our tiny Squashies does not like to be handled. For a little kitty, she is strong, and she knows how to use the weapons that God has provided.

It is an interesting perspective between she and TK.  When TK goes to the vets all the tech has to do is roll him on his back and put a hand on his belly, and as long as he can see me, he does what he needs to do.  He doesn't like it, he sings a sad song to show it, but he never fights. Perhaps, because he goes so often, he has learned how futile it is to try to get away.

With Squashies, it is a completely different story.  The techs, (plural,) don leather gloves. The gloves that go up to their shoulders. And as if their presences is the ding of a bell, the purr-pleas for mercy end, and the wrestling match begins.

It breaks my heart to see her struggle.  Wide-eyed with fear, she executes strong, graceful body rolls, accented by screams of defiance. I worry. My being there adds no comfort to her, but I can't walk away for fear that the techs will get frustrated and use excessive force. They never have, but our little girl could try a saint's patience.

So I stay, waiting for the look of betrayal, that never comes.  I feel guilty anyway.

After getting Squashies locked-down, the doctor looked in her ear and declared that the swelling was down.  But, after several attempts to look more closely, it was determined that  Squashies would have to be sedated to see what was going on.

 So she is going in for surgery next Tuesday... I worry about the anesthesia, we believe she is around 14 years old, and it can be hard on the heart.  But there is no choice.

I pray that the surgery goes smoothly.
I pray that her hearing will remain intact.
But mostly, I pray that whatever is in her ear is benign, and she will have many more adventures with us.

TK here- Me juss heard that mine furend Artymouse is still not come home from her walkabout. While we is praying, we is praying fur her too!  Come home Artemisia, you are making your mommy cry!


  1. Beautiful brave Squashies!!! You are a fiesty fabulous feline!! Me and Charlie know you will beat whatever it is that's in your ear. It will be a benign nothing and you will be just fine! We just know you will! You will, you will, you will!

    We send you all things positive and powerful to help you! Yay!! Hugs and purrs. Please take care

  2. What an ordeal for sweet Squashies. We will join your prayers for a good outcome from the surgery on Tuesday.

  3. wow - she does give them a run for their money. We don't like the v-e-t but it has never required gloves. :) We will be purring as she has her surgery....

  4. Squashies precious dear at peace and know that NO one wants to harm you. Look at momma and she will let you know you have nothing to fear.

    Don't be afraid, little one. We need you all better. Love and Kissies to you.

  5. We had hoped she'd be okay without further intervention. We're sending mega purrs to sweet Squashies, purraying all goes well. Poor sweetie.

    (((Hugs))) and kitty kisses.

  6. Squashies we are so sorry you have to endure the many gloved hands at the vet. We will purr that you somehow realize it is for your own good and that your surgery goes well next week
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  7. We are praying right along with you that Squashie will be all right next Tuesday. We sure will be thinking about both of you. I am pretty sure they have some anesthesia for the older cats. I am sure they will be super careful. Squashie sounds like all the kitties here. We sure are sending many many purrs. The donkeys will now get busy crossing their hooves. Take care.

  8. Purrs to you Squashie that they will see what they need to and it will be okay---

  9. Cats are amazingly resilient. Such good news that she is back to her fighting form. Hard on the vets but they are prepared to deal with her. Nissa is continuing her purrs for you and Miss Dirona sends her canine "purrs".

  10. Oh sweet, sweet Squashies we were so hoping that all could be resolved without surgery. We join your Mom in prayers for the surgery to go well with ease and for your good health and quick recovery. We will be sending you lots of light and love for Tuesday. Big comforting purrs and prayers to you too Mom.

  11. We will be right hear praying with you and we hope all turns out fine. At least the swelling is down and her energy is up, way up! Please update us when you can.

  12. We will be PURRayin' like crazy fur Squashies on Tuesday. Our woofie, Scout, will be going to the dog-tor on the same day 'cause he has come down with a limp. He is a senior, too, being 12 years old. We ♥ our seniors!

  13. Oh dear, I'll be purraying for all I'm worth for that sweet little girl. We hope for good news after the appointment.

  14. Oh, dear Squashies! We are purring for you. You are a brave girl and can get through this. Your mom is taking such good care of you.

  15. Diego here - don't tell Rumbles I'm telling you this, but he HATES going to the vet too. It's such a struggle to get him in his carrier.

    Sweet Squashies we're both purring so loud for you, and we will keep purring till your surgery is done and you're safe and healthy and back at home.

  16. Squashies WE are all purring super duper hard for you. WE will continue our purrs until we know you are 100% better.

  17. We are hopeful all will go well for Squashie's surgery, but we know humans worry.

    We are worried about Arty. :(

  18. Squashies, I like that you are a feisty girl! When I go to the vet's office, I just curl up in a ball and try to be invisible.

  19. So glad you are feeling better and able to fight back again. Will be keeping my paws crossed though until you have a completely clean bill of health.

    We will also say a prayer that Arty gets back home soon and safely.

  20. Talk about a mixed blessing. On one hand, Squashies is feeling better if she is fighting back. On the other, things would go a lot easier for everyone involved, including Squashies, if she would relax and quit fighting quite so hard.

    ppurrrrring that Squashies handles her sedation with no trouble.

  21. Squashies sounds like Zoey. Zoey gets so worked up when she goes to the vet, they can hardly handle her. Forget about an exam! The vet is lucky to get a shot into her. Mom says she doesn't know what she'll do if Zoey ever has a problem and has to be examined. They'll hafta knock Zoey out!

    We sure hope all goes well for Squashies during her surgery.

  22. Our mom just sent you an email to check on Squashies! We're turning our purr motors into overdrive for Squashies next Tuesday.

    Truffle and Brulee

  23. Sometimes I wonder who the vet visits are more traumatic for, us or the cats...I think it is us. It is heartbreaking when they struggle but I'd rather see what is going on than have them taken to "the back"! I'll be praying for Squashies surgery on Tuesday.

  24. You are a brave girl to fight at the Vet's place, Squashies. I hope you are okay when you have the anaesthetic and they find how to fix your lump in the ear. it would be nice to be able to hear properly again.

  25. Oh wow. I send love to Squashies and Artemisia.

  26. I'm sorry about your ordeal Squashies & Squashies mom person. We will add you & the missing kitty to our prayer list.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  27. Squashies, We are going to pray for you!

  28. Oh, We shall be purr-aying ever so hard for you on Tuesday, Squashies, Mummy and I. And also for Artemisia, that she may find her way safely home.

    Possum the MagnifiCat

  29. Me too are going to purr for you , Squashies !

  30. I will send best thoughts she is okay.

  31. We are purring and praying for Squashies!!!

    SASS ... Sir Andy, Shelly & Sierra
    MamaBug & TraciBug

  32. Squashies, you look soooo bootiful in youw summew hat..i will be pwaying vewy hawd that you come home all well fwom the vetses and can stay wif youw loving family fuw a long long time..I too am wowwied about Awty's not safe out thewe in the big wowld..pleez come home

    sending you and TK my love and smoochie kisses

  33. We stopped by to see how you are doing Squashies. We know the VET is a scary guy but it helps if you don't fight. Not that we take our own advice... Sometimes Julie and Carl are so bad the mom is embarrassed, especial by their bad language!

  34. is your surgery today squashies honey? We is purrring and purraying big time for you sweetie!
