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Furends of the Rainbow Bridge
History of Cat Blogs
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Happy Holidays!
We would likes to wish all our friends and furends a very happy and safe holiday.
And may there be peese on Earth!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Our dear furend Admiral has crossed to the Bridge
Godspeed, sweet girl.
We love you.
Please stop by
her blog
to leave condolences. Her mommy has always been so sweet, and I'm sure she is missing her little girl.
You can light a candle fur Admiral
Thursday, December 8, 2011
We is presents!
A warm hats fur the cold weathers. (Fanks you
Auntie Judi
Me just wants to sais Hello to mine furends. And shows you this wonderfur banner that
Ann, Maggy and Zoey
makes us. As you can sees, me and Squashies are mommy's presents!
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