
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving dinner guest!

Happy Thanksgiving to our U.S. furends!

As most of our kitty furends knows, our mommy and daddy takes care of a few wild kitties. Well one of the kitties, we calls him Boots, was a kitten lass year.  Mommy noticed last month that now that him is a mancat, the other kitties not always lets him eats hims fud.  Even now him is big, him is very much smaller than the other kitties.

The gud part is that him has been running up on our deck when the other kitties (or the foxes) chases him away.  So mommy has been trying to gets him to come there to eats by putting fuds out fur him.  After a while, him gets it and shows up fur his breakfast and dinners.

Then mommy makes him a house out of our Cabana that goes with our kitty walk system from ourVan.  She also gives him his own special fud and water bowls. So she can picks up his fud after he is done so the other kitties, foxes and racoons not get any ideas to come eat here too. Yesserday night it was very windy and cold so we looks out with a anxious for Boots, and sees him in his house we makes!

A house out of the wind, with a cushion and blankie, and 2 escape routes.
Him was still tucked in and warm this morning when we comes down for breakfast. It was still dark, so mommy not gets a picshur. But her was very happy that he likes his new house. (We hopes he feels the same once we catchs him and gets him's hoo-haas removed!)

Two mancats getting to know each other.
So on this thanksgiving we are thankful fur all our kitty furends and their fambilies that shares their stories, loves and support throughout the year. And for our new outside kitty cousin, Boots!


Edit: We would likes to extend our deepest sympathies to our furends The Taylor Catsssss for the sudden loss of their dear kitty Seaborne Ruskin Taylor. We purr fur their comfurts.


  1. Beautiful Boots!! Awww lovely TK and adorable Squashies!! Me and Charlie are so thankful that Boots found you all!! He is just lovely and will have a nice warm place to stay and lots of yummy treats to look forward too! Yay!

    Take care

  2. What a lovely story! Is Mommy planning to capture Boots and take him for a snip snip operashun?

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving all.

  3. Simba- Now that we has him on schedule mommy is picking up a safe-capture from our vets on Toosday. Thanks fur asking!
    Love, TK

  4. Awww...Boots must be very Thankful for you watching out for him! And we are glad to hear he is taking advantage of the Cabana! We hopes TomTom or MamaKatz will use the 'dawghouse' we put on our patio (with a heating pad inside) sometime soon, too!

  5. Boots probably is very thankful for your mom! Good luck to her getting him for his neutering--he'll forget all about his "peanuts" after the fact and be much happier. :-)

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all, have a wonderful celebration!

  6. Yes, Boots is probably very glad you are all looking out for him! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  7. We are happy Boots has found your loving home...Happy Thanksgiving, precious friends...We are very grateful for your presence in our lives...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

  8. Hooray for Boots! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from all of us!

  9. We are so happy to hear that Boots likes his cozy cabana!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving friends :-)

  10. So happy that Boots is enjoying his fancy shelter. Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. I'm sure Boots is very thankful for you caring for him!! I hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving!!

  12. Aw, how nice that you take care of Boots! We hope you all are having a Happy Thanksgiving.

  13. Lucky boots. Miss Dirona says woof woof to the kitties and is very thankful for her own kitty buddies.

  14. TK & Squashies! It is so nice to see you! Your comment was so nice, it made our day! Thank you so much dear friends. We were so sad to hear about Seaborne. We are happy though to hear about you helping Boots out, that is awesome. We love that he has his own Cabana!

    Happy Thanksgiving Kitties!

  15. We are very thankful that you are helping Boots! Happy Thanksgiving, dear friends. We love you!

  16. Happy thanksgiving kitties! It is so nice that share your stuffs with the no-home kitties.

  17. We think Boots must be very thankful for his cabana and getting good food.

  18. that was a wonderful cabana that you made and so thoughtful! I know you must be trying to get Boots to come in so he can be safe from the fox.

    We were devastated to learn of Seaborne. Broke our hearts.

  19. We're so glad you like sharing with Boots so he gets to eat and has a warm bed.

  20. Your mommy is such a special person to do this for Boots.

    We love y'all very much.

  21. Oh Boys, I am so proud of your Mommy for helping him like that. Poor baby was hungry and I know he was cold and shunned by the others. I am so grateful that he is in good hands with your mommy now.
    Kisses to all of you.

  22. Hi, TK and Squashies. About our netting on our deck: most of the deck is at the second floor level and we never try to jump down, but on the one side where the steps go down, there is a half flight of steps, then a second smaller deck. Mom and Dad have been afraid we might push thru between the uprights and try to jump to the second deck, so bought a roll of green plastic security fencing, and put it up along that side of the deck, and the also have a makeshift 'door" over the place where the steps go down. Simba still pulls up and climbs over the part by the stairs if not watched carefully: He used to jump up on the railing too, but hardly ever does that any more. We are never allowed on the deck without close supervision, and Dad usually plonks himself in a chair right in front of the netting across the stairs.

  23. So sorry to learn of the Taylor cat dying. And that kitty cabanna is outstanding! definitely beats ours in terms of stylishness.

    .. not sure why this blog won't let me use my Google ID

    For those reading this, check out my cat blog archives for some informative posts and archived stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.
    Debby in Arizona

  24. That is so nice that Boots has your Mom to watch over him! Happy Thanksgiving to you all from us. Sorry to be late. Our Mom has been working since last Wed! Today is her first day off.

  25. That is such a great story about Boots. We are just crazy about people that help feral cats. I bet Boots is so happy to have his own house and food. That is great. It warms our mom's heart to hear this kind of story. Take care all of you and have a super week end.

  26. Thank you for your comforting words.

  27. Oh thank you over and over..your parents, for taking care of Boots. I so hope you can maneuver him into a way to take him for his surgery.

    I loved talking to you too, TK and please..don't let that be the last time. Loves you..(from one girl cat, me, to a manly man cat, you)
