
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

OOOO Canada!

 So on our ways to Canada we stops to sees some things, and we spends the night next to the big trucks.  Then we goes to sees the Nigara Falls waters, which seemed  terribly wet to me, but Mommy thought it was purrty.

Then we gets to the border, and after mommy gets all our paperworks ready, they not wants to sees anything but Mommy's little passyport book.  Like we isn't impurrtant!  Then the man in the little house asks Mommy when she was leaving, and when Mommy sais she not knows, the man sais they not wants her to stay furrever.  Then Mommy sais she not going to stay furrever acause our Daddy would miss us too much. So then the man sais we can go to Canada!

So right now we is hanging out in ourVan after having several days of spending late nights at Mommy's furrend frum works.  She is a very nice lady who gives us scritches! But now we hangs out with Mommy at our camp site in Canada. Mommy sais we is in Waterloo, but is not wet here like it was at the Niagra Falls.

We hopes all our furrends are having fun!
Love, TK

Friday, June 10, 2011

Power of the Purrs, and looking up!

Hello every kitty!  I wants to thanks you fur all of your purrs, advices and loves from across the innernets. I feels very Blessed to has such wonderfur furends!

So now fur the good news! 
I has been on Humulin for a long times, but suddenly it stops working for me. We has been increasing the the amounts over the last week, but still it not works.  So on Tuesday the great and wonderful Dr. Siegel puts me on ProZinc.  I starts to feel better almost instantly!

Yesserday, with the harmony of hundreds of purrs buzzing through me, we goes to the V.E.T. for the offishul test.  After they steals my blood, everyone in the room waits for the results.   Suddenly, the great and wonderful Dr. Siegel cheers and does her happy dance. My sugar is normal!   And my Mommy starts to cry AGAIN!  Can you believes it?

Next time Mommy tries to takes me to the V.E.T. I thinks I will has to refuse to go... on the grounds it always makes her cry.

Me at the V.E.T.s yesserday. I loves to hang out in the scale. Is very comfy. This test always makes Mommy happy acause I am doing very good on my weight loss.

I wants to thank you all again, it helped my Mommy lots to has your supports!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

We is sorry, and Diabetes worry-worry

I knows we hasn't been posting in a very long time. Mommy has been very busy lately and not has had time to helps us.  We is very sorry to leaves you like that.  We has been bisiting our furends when we cans, but not like we should.  To catches you up:

The winner of the guesses in our last post oh-so-many months ago was Simba and Old Kitty and Charlie, acause our bisitor was DADDY, who comes down on the auto train to sees us. Daddy and Mommy bisited Kennedy and goes on nature drives all over. Then Daddy had to go back home.

Then we gotted to see the orbiter Discovery land at Kennedy.  We stays in Titusville for 3 weeks!

Then we goes down to south Florida to bisit Grandma and Pop-Pop for a weekend, but we kept staying for 3 weeks.  Then Grandma and Pop-Pop came home but we stayed for 3 more weeks.  We not wanted to leave Florida until it gots warm. (But now we is too hot!)

We gotted home from Florida on April 18th.
TK and Squashies relaxing in Florida

And now we was getting ready to goes to Canada to bisit Mommy's work. But then something not-so-good happens.

As you might knows, I has had diabetes since I comes to live with Mommy.  She gives me shots 2 times a day.  I was doing good with my shots for almost 3 years; until 2 weeks ago, when out of no where my insulin stops working.  We is trying a new insulin, but so far it is not working either.  I tries hard to studies for my blood tests and I has losted 3 whole pounds.  But it not works anyway...

I think Mommy is ascairt and she holds me and cries when we gets home from the V.E.T. yesterday.  I not wants my Mommy to has a sad, and I knows the power of the purrs.  So could you gives me some purrs?  I promises I does my part to gets better too.

Love, TK