
Friday, September 17, 2010

Femme Friday

Hello Bloggie-Furends. I just wanted to stop by to let you know that we are all doing fine here. We sure hope you are all doing fine too!

Mommy has been working a lot on these three projects she has from works.  So instead of helping us blog, she spends her spare time playing with us.

There is one other thing she has been working on. She is getting something special for all of us, but it's a surprise, so we'll be showing that in about 2 weeks.

So in other news, a week ago, mommy saw a doe on the side of the road that had been hit by a car.  She was very sad because our doe and her fawn had not been by to eat bird corns, so she thinks it might have been OUR doe. But then yesterday, out of no where she and her little fawn, which has lost it's spots, came by for a snack.  Mommy was so happy she started to cry. (And she cried so much she didn't take one picshur... not one!) It was a happy time.  We likes when our mommy is happy!

So mommy tells me to tell you that we will still not be around fur about 2 more weeks, while she gets everything squared away.  We misses you!

Love- Squashies