
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Vote fur Rumblepurr!

OK my kittie furends, there is only two days lefted to votes for New Zealand's Next Top Cat Model! We are endorsing our dear and handsome mancat furend d'Artagnan Rumblepurr, him is a blogger juss like us!
Rumblepurr was winning on August 2nd, afore some other kitties gets TV and press time. Now him is in third and we has to do our parts.
Rumbles and hims brofur Indigo are a wonnerful memburs of our bloggie fambily. They has selebrated, they has purrayed, they has worry-worried, and they has mourned wif us. Always quick wif a supportive word and kind gesture. We loves them and we is sure if you knows them, you do too.

So clicks on the contest link and votes fur a kitty that you likes. (We thinks Rumbles is clearly the bestest kitty.) It not costs any monies. All you has to do is gives a email address. You can votes once purr email address, so if you gots other emails or a cell phone with texting you can votes with those too!
For US and Canadian fambilies- note that NZ is a day ahead of us so today is your very last chance to help the kitty you is cheering fur!


  1. We've voted for him 3 times, using different email addys and that's all we can do! We are wishing him lots of luck!

  2. I think with a name like that he must win !

  3. I think Rumbles is great and have voted with every email address I have :-)

    All my kitties have paws crossed that he will win!

  4. We've voted a BUNCH of times!!!

  5. We've voted under every email addy in our household....we are soooooo purring that he will win. How sweet of y'all to devote today's post to helping him. We luvsya. :)

  6. TK and Squashies, so good of you to do this post for Rumbles. The more kitties that do, the better! It is going to be exciting to find out who the winning kitty is in the end. At least by the end of the week it will be known. The suspense is killing us! As you know, we also so hope it will be Rumbles. We lufs him!

  7. We voted with effury email we had!

    Thank you for posting Sniffie's badge and for purring and praying for her. We really appreciate it.

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  8. We are super frustrated because we haven't been able to find an update in a while (the last we saw was from 8/5) - we have been following every day and it is so darn close - and so stressful to watch! We are sure that Rumbles will do great (we have a link for him in our sidebar for voting). He must be going crazy at this point!!

  9. We are hoping that Rumbles gets it! He is doing well!

  10. Awww adorable TK and lovely Squashies!! Me and Charlie voted, voted, voted and voted and are now using family's email addresses too!! LOL!!! But don't tell family!! LOL!!

    Go Rumbles!!!!
    Take care

  11. Oh my, we'll have to figure out how to vote more!

  12. TK, we voted and voted! We have all 48 paws crossed for Rumbles!

  13. We love Rumbles and sure hope he wins=this is a tough race, how are there so many votes for the others too?...We've voted for him 9 times...Happy day sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  14. I voted for Rumbles with every email my mom and I had. Wonder why the others didn't get TV time!

  15. We want to vote more, but we can't!!! We already voted, and were able to vote twice.....but now we can't anymore. :( We hope he wins!!!

  16. WE used all our e-mails to vote.
    We also think it is unfair for a few to get air time!
    That is like fixing the vote!
    Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

  17. Mickey, Georgia, and Tillie- But we has the power of the innernets! Community is more powerful than TeeVee anytime.

  18. We have put our votes in and hope that that stunning boy wins. He is such a handsome mancat.

  19. It's so close! We hope Rumbles can win!!

  20. Will do, let us know if he wins!


  21. I voted with all mum's email addresses!

  22. We have voted for our special kiwi friend and have our paws crossed.

  23. Our Mom has one more email address we can use to vote - so we'll do that right now!!!

    Have a great day!!!

    ~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)
