
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Our 2nd Gotcha Day!

Hello Furends! Today, August 18th, is our 2nd Gotcha day. We have had 2 wonderful years with our furever mommy and daddy, and we have invited all you to our furever home to celebrate with us. So please feel welcome!

We have all our best toys scattered about the house and on the deck.  There are refreshments in the dining area- with delicacies from our area. We have crabcakes, oysters, clams, ham and lightly grilled steak! We hope that you all have a good time.

While you are enjoying the party- we ask that you take a few minutes to purr for all the kitties that don’t have a home yet. We purr that all kitties find a furever fambily that they can love, just like we have! We also purr for all the people that give of their time, energy and love to help the kitties that have no one of their own.

safe, warm, loved

In honor of our Gotcha day, and our great bloggy furends, we will give a $1 donation to Small Miracles Cat Rescue for every* comment we get today.  We love Small Miracles for taking care of us while we waited for our mommy to find us, and for the work that they do everyday on behalf of all the kitties that are still waiting.

Thank you again, for coming to celebrate with us!
Love, TK and Squashies

*duplicate senders will only be counted once, spam will be disregarded.


  1. OMC are we first? Happy Gotchaversary!! Many happy years to come!

  2. Happy Gotchaversary TK & Squashies! How nice of you to donate to your former rescue! We'll try to get over to your party later!

    xxx ooo from the Califurrrrrnia5 (Petey, Jack, Spunky, Tabitha & Madison)

  3. Happy 2nd Gotchaversary, TK & Squashies! we are so happy to be your pals. We hope you have many more great years with your Beans.

    mmmmm, we never eated crabcakes before...they sure sound nommy. We'll just set this giant bookay of catnip here on the deck for everybody to share...Wow...this is gonna be fun!

  4. Happy 2nd Gotchaversary! It's so wonderful when a kitty catches a human and holds on tight.

  5. Gappy Dotcha Hay to both of you!

    And, no, you are not gettting senile...

    There IS a woman Kitty in our household now, hee, hee! ;-D

  6. Woo Hoo! Happy 2nd gotcha day! We think it's so cool that you are making a contribution for every comment you get today. We have a blogger award for you today, it'll be up about two hours from now. (midnight Pacific time) xoxo

  7. Happy Gotchaday, TK and SQ ! When I move to my house in a few weeks,I'm gonna get two adult kittehs like you from the shelter!

  8. Happy Gotcha Day, beautiful Squashies and handsome TK!!...We are so glad you guys found such a loving home together...Your party is pawsome, thank you guys so much for inviting us; we love hanging out with you both and your cool friends...The contribution for each comment is such a kind and lovely thing for your parents to do for the shelter...We love you guys and send you lots and lots of kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  9. Happy gotcha day, TK and Squahies! It is so thoughtful of you to immediately think about the other kitties in shelters who need homes. You guys are the best!

  10. Happy 2nd Gotchaversary! And what a nice way to share in your good luck...

  11. HAPPY SECOND GOTCHA DAY gorgeous TK and adorable Squashies!!

    Me and Charlie are so glad you both found your mum and your lovely family! We are so happy that you were cared for by the lovely people at Small Miracles Cat Rescue. We are also thinking of all those other kitties and goggies who are still looking for forever homes!

    We are also so happy to have met you here. You two are very precious and always make us smile. We always look forward to visiting your blog!!

    Oooooh we are having a great time at your party!
    What a wonderful thing to do for the rescue!!

    Take care

  12. Hello there TK and Squashies
    Happy, happy Gotcha day! I hope you have many, many more in your wonderful furever home.
    Sending lotsaluv

  13. Happy Gotcha Day, and thanks for sharing with all of your friends. It is sweet of you to think about other kitties too, and we wish all shelter cats had a family to love them.

    Julie Q

  14. Happy Gotcha day you two! We agree that you're lucky to find your family!

    We love you guys!

  15. oh my goodness we are rushing in to join the party a day late.....Happy Gottcha Day!!!
    We are sorry we are late but we still send mucho good wishes,
    Madi and Mom

  16. YAY...WE MADE IT~!!! Happy 2nd Gotcha Day you two!!! We are so happy to be here sharing this day with you! You have the BEST foods goin' on and we even brought some 'Niptinis for the of age kitties and Virgin Catquiris for the wee little ones. We hope you get lots of scritchies today and TOYS! NIP TOO! Thanx again for having us!

  17. Yay! We are so excited about your 2nd Gotcha Day party! And you are so awesome to make a donation for it - we love that! And we send out lots of purrs and prayers to all the animals who need good homes, and people who help them!

    So, of course, because it is your Gotcha Day, we must sing you the Gotcha Day song (ok, it is a modified version of the birthday song, but it is still good we think!)

    What day is today?
    It's Tk and Squashies Gotcha Day!!
    What a day for a Gotcha Day!
    Let's all have some cake!!

    And thank you so much for having us at your party - it was wonderful!

    WE hope you have a wonderful, happy, treat filled day!!

  18. Happy 2nd Gotcha Day, sweet friends. We are so happy you found your mommy and daddy.......we couldn't imagine our blog world without you.


  19. Happy gotcha day to you! We are so happy you were gotted. Thank you for letting us share your special day with you!

  20. Happy 2nd Gotcha Day!!! We are so glad you both found such a safe and happy home. Thanks for inviting us to your great party we love you guys :-)

    What a fantastic idea to donate to the organization that helped you find your mum and dad, I'm going to remember that when my guy's next gotcha days come round!

  21. Hey, Happy 2nd Gotcha Day. We're so glad you were rescued by your mom into a nice home -- hers.

  22. A Very Happy Second Gotcha Day to TK and Squashies! Hope you have a lovely day with your humans waiting on you paw and paw!

    Whicky Wuudler

  23. Happy 2nd G-Day TK & Squashies! I'll be over after work for some crabbie cakes. I love you two!

    Auntie SheShe

  24. Happy Gotcha Day to you! We hope you get treats to celebrate!

  25. Are we late? Are we late? We've got Niptinis!!! Happy Gotcha Day guys!! We think you are great, great, great!!! We're purrin' over here just thinking about you. Have a super-dooper-whooper-zooper day!! Purrs and head-butts, Lautrec and Tiny

  26. We came over from House of Cats. Happy 2nd Gotcha Day!

    From The Poupounette Gang
    in France

  27. Happiest Gotcha Day, y'all are really, really special!

  28. A very happy Gotcha Day to you both! We wish you many, many more to come--big smooches from our human and kitty kisses from us!!

  29. Happy Gotcha Day, TK and Squashies!! We are so glad you got gotted!! And what a nice way to celebrate being gotted by trying to help those kitties who don't have furever homes...yet. Have a wonderful day!!


  30. HAPPY GOTCHA DAY!!! How exciting! Many purrs from uSSSSS to you!

  31. Hi there! I came over from Amy and the House of Cats and I just wanted to say Happy Gotcha Day! (I'm a dog...I hopes you don't mind. But I have a kitteh brudder and a kitteh sister.) I think it is Most Wonderful of you to gives back to your rescue. All of us came from rescues, too!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  32. Goodness we missed this yesterday!!! Happy belated Gotchaversary!!!!! We hope you had lots of fun yesterday!!!

  33. Oh no! Did we miss the party?? Happy Gotcha Day a little late! And purrs to your wonderful parents.

  34. Happy Gotcha Day to both of you. We hope you are having a lovely day.

  35. Happy Gotcha Day to you! This is a pawsome have cool toys!!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  36. Have a very excellent Gotcha Day! That's a very nice thing you're doing with the donations. Purrrrs!

  37. A furry happy Gotcha Day to both of you.

    It is our first visit and we are pleased to meet you.



  38. oh how wonderful!! Happy Gotcha Day friends!! You gotted just the bestest furefur home!!!

  39. Happy gotcha day! I wish all the kitties will have happy furever home.

  40. Happy Gotcha Day to you two!

    -Pip, Smidgen, Minnie

  41. Happy Gotcha Day, both of you.

    Ozzie rounds up the Clowder and they all pause and purrr for a moment for the kitties who have no homes, and the ones who have gone to The Bridge these last few days.

    Then they scatter, looking for foods, treats, and toys.

  42. Happy Gotcha Day! We wish you many many many years of time with your loving family, grand adventures and friends to share them with, treats and toys to keep you challenged and happy, good health...and most importantly, the peace and security of a caring forever home. We hope someday all kitties and woofies can live this same wish...thanks for remembering the less fortunate on this Special Day!

  43. Happy gotcha day TK and Squashies! It's wonderful that you found such a good home, and even more wonderful that you are helping raise money to assist other kitties!

  44. Happy happy Gotcha Day, TK and Squashies! We hope you have a great day, and we wish you many more to come. :)

  45. Oh, a VERY happy 2nd Gotcha Day, TK & Sqaushies!!! YAY!!

    **playing with toys & gobbling up treats** Great Party!!

    We always try to save room during the day to purr for less fortunate kitties (& other animals) & hope that they find furrever homes soon!!

    ~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)

  46. Happy Gotcha Day from all of us...
    Love & Purrs,
    Missy Blue Eyes
    Faith Boomerang
    Brutus Jr.
    Mom ML

  47. Sorry we're late wishing yoo a happy Gotcha Day.

  48. WELL DONE on your gottcha day-a-thon.....
    49.00 for the animals
    Happy Thursday,
    Madi and Mom

  49. Wishing a happy gottcha day is always a pleasure for me !

  50. Oh dear. We are a bit late. But we thinks that you had a very good gotcha day. And we think it is a great idea to donate some green papers fur other kitties so they can have gotcha days of their own.

  51. Happy Gottcha Day, you two beautiful cats. You are two of the lucky ones. Hugs, Deb =^..^=x5

  52. I have come to join the party. I have brought my own food in a little carry bag, as Lynettea says I have to eat it. Do you think I could put it somewhere safe while I take a look at the crabcakes, oysters and clams? I have never seen this type of food and think it may be good for me.
    I might play with a few toys too, but then I have to come home and take a rest. It is warmer here at the party than at my place. I am quite tired of the winter with the wind howling around the house.

  53. Happy belated Gotcha Day, TK and Squashies! What a great spread you put out for your party! I hope you had a fantastic time, even though this week has been rather a sad one.

    You should still celebrate your own good fortune to find such a loving and caring furevver home!
