
Monday, August 9, 2010

Mancat Monday

Hi Bloggie Furends, TK here with my mancat monday post.

This me, hanging out in my lawn during the not-so-hots.

It has been not-so-hots the last 2 days, and I has been taking avantage by hanging out on the deck. As you can see, my lawns is getting long again, but mommy not has time to helps me trim it acause her work is being opressive again. I not really minds acause it is fun to honker down into the cool grass.

So lots of things has come to our feeder, we sees the baby deers again, but then, while they was eatting the berries, a big mandeer comes along and chases the mommy deer into the woods. The little baby deers stayed all by their selves for a few minutes then they runned after the mommy.  I not know what that was all about. (Mommy is sorry she not gets a picshur of the baby deers for you- she not could get the camera quick enough.)

But she does gets a picshur of one of the ferals that we has dopted.  This is "Socks".

Socks comes around for a bite to eats every once in awhile. The summer menu is a normal calorie mix, acause we not wants the kitties to gets too fat to get away from the foxes.

In other news we gets our order from Alice and Jane, and mommy is very 'cited that I might finds a toy-furrend that I love that is not "red mousie".  See "red mousies" are made by a very nice old lady that not can makes them anymore.  Mommy has been afrantic acause the remaining "red mousie" is really getting teared up.  (She thinks I not knows there has been more than one, but I does.) She has been fixing him as best she can, but she not really good with those things. So she has been trying to finds me something else that I might loves as much as "red mousie".  So this is what might be my new "red mousie" a fun toy that bats around, but not fits under the couch.

TK playing with new toy-furrend TNT, with the very last of the old "red mousie"s to the right.

I not sure I is ready to give up "red mousie", he has been my favorite toy-furrend for a very long time.
Anyways, has a good Monday bloggie furrends! 


  1. Glad to hear the hots are being so bad lately! Socks if furry cute and that looks like a super TNT toy! Scooter(RIP) had a Ratsie thing and was super nasty and had surgery LOTS of times and when Scooter ran off the The Bridge, mom keeps Ratsie right next to Scooter's ashes. It was her most FAVORITEST toy. We each have our OWN special toy and mom says they will be ours furrever!

  2. i know just what you mean about having a favorite toy. mine is my white mousie, and i basically annihilates it and then my mommeh has to gets me a new one.

  3. Happy Mancat Monday, handsome TK.

    And a head bump to the beautiful Squashies.

    Have a wonderful day friends.....xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Happiest Mancat Monday to you too! I think that red mousie will be hard to replace!

  5. We are glad that is is not-so-hots anymore there. We hope it stays that way! And it is too bad that your red mousie isn't doing well but we hope that the new toy will satisfy you!

  6. It is good when the hots become less hot! I like your red mousie too. I don't like having to give up favorite toys.

  7. Hiya, furiends! Socks is quite the cutie patootie. So nice of you guys to take care of him and make sure he has food!

  8. Lots going on for you these days! Socks looks like a nice kitty, I'm glad he can get some good food at your house. Sorry about red mousie, it is hard to part with old friends isn't it!

  9. It is hard to give up a favorite toy, but it just makes room for new and maybe better toys!

  10. TK we thinks you look verreh handsome in your lawn. We sure wish we had a personal lawn...

    Your Mom is great to feed Socks. Is he wild or just homeless?

    The TNT looks like fun! Mommy got us some JellyBeans from Casbah Kitties and they are a BLAST! R.I.P., red mousie.

  11. Awww sweet and lovely TK!!! Me and Charlie hope you get lots of red mousies to play with - but we understand how they will never compare to your original and bestest mousie! Awwwww! Hugs to your your sweet mum for doing her best for your mousie.

    We also love your lawn!! It looks like a perfect spot to cool down! And we hope baby deers and mum return and not be chased off by big daddy deer - bad daddy deer!

    And hello to Socks!! He's a cutie!!

    We are also waving to sweet Squashies!

    Take care

  12. Hi my you look very handsome today in all your grayness!!
    Socks is very cute and appears to be getting accustom to the flashy box!!!
    You and Squashies give each other a hug from me.

  13. Oh, we totally get how awesome Casbah Kitten toys are! They're our favorite too!

    We think Socks is a cutie!

  14. You look so lovely in that picture! We like Socks too and hope he is OK now he gets proper food. When are you catching a deer?

  15. We think that red mousie still has some love left in it, TK!! But it's good to have some other toys to play with!!

  16. TK, we don't know if you like kitty-nip ('cause some kitties don't) but we also have favorite toys that we totally destroy. Our Mom has found that if she takes a new toy (like a furry mousie or a fuzzy ball) & soaks it in kitty-nip for a few days (making sure that it is completely covered) & then gives it to us, we go SO crazy for it that she can easily remove the old broken toys without us looking for them... Maybe that could work for you to get over red mousie??

    If not, we hope you still get to play with the red mousie from time to time!!

    Have a happy day!!

    ~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)

  17. You are so handsome!!!!! We Love you guys!!!! We wanted to let you know theres a award for you from us on our bloggie!!!
    Big Hugs, Sharky, ET, Duchess and Lauren

  18. Hi, handsome TK!...Socks is a pretty adorable adopted feral kitty; it's so nice of your parents to feed him...We hope you like your new toy=it's tough to replace red mousies!...Sukki is doing better today (she's been sick off/on for 2 weeks/3 vet visits and no diagnosis=her blood tests look great too); Mom is hoping she will continue to improve, this has been very worrying...Thanks for asking about her...Happy week, sweet friends...kisses to you and beautiful Squashies...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  19. Love the red mousies! I want some!

  20. We're glad you got to have some not-so-hots! Please send some our way if you can.
    And we hope you can find a replacement for your red mousie. We know what it's like to have a favorite toy finally fall apart. . . .

  21. haha we love the pictures, especially the last one with your red mousie.
    mousies are fun to play with!

  22. Aww, that is sweet about red mousie.

  23. Great pictures!!! We think that you should keep your old red mousie. He looks like a good friend!

  24. You don't have to give up red mousie yet. I still have my original mouse that I got when mum and dad first adopted me.

  25. That looks like a very well loved red mousie, that's fur sure. Most of our toys are restuffable with fresh nip...those are the ones that stay around the longest. Our mewmmie sneaks in every once in a while and tosses out the old toys...
