Monday, July 26, 2010
Mancat Monday
Hi Bloggie friends, TK here with my Mancat Monday Post. Well after 4 strait days with the hots over 105F, I'm happy to sais that today we gets a cold-snap. That's right it will only gets to 95F today. I thinks I hasa break out my winter furs!
Yesserday it gets very dark in the middles of the day. The sky was green! I not knows that could happen. Then the winds blows and the boomies come too. I is not a coward, but I was worried that mommy might be ascairt so I crawls in her lap and puts my head under her arm.
Mommy sais we gets lucky, the storms not hit us directly. We purrs fur all the peoples not so lucky.
So after the storm, we goes on the deck and then we has crabbycakes fur the dinners. We gets some too, but Squashies not want hers, so I heps her eatted it.
So in bloggie news: our friend over at Kat's Corner is gonna has a Winter in July Wednesday challange this Wednesday. I thinks this be good to makes the hots seem less hots. So if mommy has time to gets it together, we is going to participape. We hopes you will too!
Has a great Monday Bloggie Friends!
We are glad it is a little bit cooler there today - but we hope it gets even cooler than 95 - because that still sounds like the hots to us!
ReplyDeleteAnd that is great that you didn't get directly hit with the storms - we had some on Friday and it was not fun at all! We also didn't get hit directly but the ones who did didn't like it at all!
And wow, crabbycakes - we have one work for that - LUCKY!
And TK, that is a great picture of you - very handsome!!
I hope it stays cooler (and maybe even goes farther). I hate it when it gets hot hot hot.
ReplyDeleteHi TK! Only 95F today? Gee, break out your winter fur, indeed! :-)
ReplyDeleteWe're glad you weren't hit directly by the storms....of course you weren't scared. You were just comforting your mom, which is what a good mancat does.
And we think getting crab cakes must have been soooo yummy!
We wish you cooler temps--even 95F is too hot!
That storm sounded furry skeery! Glad you guys didn't get a direct hit!
ReplyDeleteAwwww you are so adorable TK!!! And very brave keeping your mum company in such stormy weather!! Me and Charlie are glad that you all didn't get caught in the storms! We also send purrs to those who did though!! We hope the weather calms down soon - oh dear! Please do keep cool!
ReplyDeleteWe are waving a big hello to Squashies too!!
Take care
What a lovely picture of you, TK!!! We are happy to hear you have a little cooler temps.....thankfully we are about 10 degrees the mid 90's, which is really good for us this time of year.
ReplyDeleteWhat a marvelous mancat you are for taking such good care of your mom during that storm!!!
Love to you, Squashies, and your mom.
I love that picture!!! Yep, those green skies are not good. We've been over 100º here too, but no boomers.
ReplyDelete95! We're at 99 here with a very high heat index. UGH! It just looks miserable outside. Inside chores today after a very, very short stint in the garden early this morning. Keep cool sweeties!
ReplyDeleteTK, we love how your lil fang is peeking out...Mommy wants to give your whisker hump a smoochie.
ReplyDeleteYou are a brave ManCat to keep your Mom safe from the green skies, we are not so brave and we would have been under the bed and into the closet ASAP!
We might have to break out our winter suits's supposed to cool DOWN to 98! Phew.
Try to stay cool TK! Brave mancats always comfort their mums, good job!
ReplyDeleteWe have the hots and humids here too; glad the storm passed over you guys...It was very sweet of you to comfort your Mom, TK, we're sure she appreciated it...Everytime there is bad weather here with loud noises, we hide under the bed!...Happy week wonderful friends and kitty kisses x3, handsome boy...Calle, Halle, Sukki
ReplyDeleteOh, TK, you look like you are sufferin' so from the hots there! All we can do is lay low and conserve our energy. Stay cool, you cool cat!
ReplyDeleteHi TK!! You are a fine looking Mancat and in this heat too :o We do not have the hots quite as bad as you ;) We live in Nova Scotia so all that water keeps it a bit cooler :) It was a bit cooler today for us too.
ReplyDeleteWe think that you and your sisfur are very good looking kitties. We are happy to meet you too. sisfur Georgia has thumbs too!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Poor TK, you look worn out from all the hots.We are glad it will be a bit cooler for you today, but 95 is still way too hot for us.
ReplyDeleteTK, You do look hot! So glad you got a little break, if you call 95 a break! Hang in there; it will definitely change to cooler weather soon.
ReplyDeleteWe like that photo of you TK! The storm did sound like it was furry scary but we're glad you are okay!
ReplyDeleteWe sure hope it cools down a little more for you. We had the hots for it was a little cooler...and much nicer!
ReplyDeleteI'll see if I can help my mom to remember to post a Winter in July post.
ReplyDeleteIt's been awful hot there in the East! We sure hope you get a real cool down soon. Our Grandma lives near Chicago and it's been hot there too, but today it was only in the 80's. Maybe that is heading your way!
ReplyDeleteYou got crabbycakes!!!? Yummy! You can come and visit us here...beautiful weather in the 80's and maybe just high 70's by the weekend! Bring crabbycakes!
ReplyDeleteWe've go train today so we're all cool. Maybe a shower would help?
ReplyDeleteGlad you "survivied" the green sky and storm, and that your hots are now less so. We also had a bit of a cool down, so now our hots are not even in the 90s any more, at least for a few days. SO much nicer!
ReplyDeletethanks for stopping by our blog and commenting on Harley's pink bed :D
ReplyDeletehaha, he loves it!
I hope you're keeping cool, and you're looking beautiful, as always :)
We always get worried when we see those green skies here, too. I'm glad you are all safe!
ReplyDeleteGood job on keeping your mum safe!
ReplyDeleteMorning TK and Squashies...who would have thought we would be happy with 95 ha!!! Yesterday started out HOT here but then the cold (ha) front came through no rain for us we had that Sunday night. This morning is just plain beautiful...77, cloudy no humidity and a chance of rain. Temps will might not break the 80's today due to clouds.
ReplyDeleteHappy Day
Madi and Mom
Good for you that the storm didn't hit you ! Arthur hides between my legs under my desk when we have a thunderstorm, lol !
ReplyDeleteYou have such a sweet black nose on this picture !
We don't blame you. Those boomies can get purrty nasty! It was very nice of you to purrtect your Mom.
ReplyDeletePURRR Is So Handsome!!!! Wez Been Hot Too, Not much to do wen itz hot just takez us a napz!! My brother ET Likez to Lay Right In Da Sunshine, I tink itz too hot for dat!!! But he disagreez. Hope youz having a great dayZ!!!
ReplyDeleteLove, Duchess Sharky, ET and our hooman
Hi TK and Squashies! It's me again. If you take a look, you're on the LOLSpot right now.
ReplyDeleteNormally, I ask the featured blogger to post a link from their website to mine. I have already posted one to yours on the LOLSpot.
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Take a look and let me know what you think.