
Friday, July 16, 2010

Femme Friday

Hello Blog Friends, it's me Squashies, with my Femme Friday Post!

It has been a very slow week here at the house, cause mommy has been doing fambily stuff with her daddy for two days.  She says a very speshul man, who helped take care of her daddy when his mommy died, went to the bridge. She seemed very sad.

Rest in Peace, Cousin Jim.

We sure miss mommy when she is not here.  But daddy has been taking good care of us. (and he gives us more treats than mommy does!)

So we got a very speshul thing in our email the other day. It seems that Sammy and Andy's mama made a beautiful hat just for me!  I think I look fabulous. I don't know how she makes a hat for me without even measuring, but as you can see it fits purrfectly.  I think I shall never take it off! Thank you Mamabug. You are incredibly talented to make hats for all the girl kitties, and very sweet to think of me.

That's all I have for now, sweet friends. We hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Ah, we see your dad is real softie, Squashies. Extra treats, huh? Cool.

    You look purrfectly lovely in your bonnet! Very becoming! Yes, Sammy and Andy's mom is very creative! :-)

  2. We are sorry that Cousin Jim passed away - we are sending over comforting purrs and prayers for your mom.

    And Squashies you look so adorable in your hat - Sammy and Andy's mom did such a great job! We know you are missing your mom a lot, so we bet this cheered you up - and we are sure the extra treats from your daddy help too!

  3. We were sad to hear that Cousin Jim passed on...xxxxxxx

    You are gorgeous, Squashies...with or without a hat. We are very happy that you like your new hat so much.....mama enjoyed making it for you!!!

    You look beyond gorgeous in it!!!!

  4. You look fantastic in your hat Squashies!!!

  5. we is sorry to hear about cousin jim. PURRRRRRRSSSSSS and HUGS to efurryone.

    Squashies - you look beautiful in your hat!

  6. We are purring for your Mom and her family over the loss of Cousin Jim.

    But thank you for posting your wonderful self in your smashing new hat...vavavoom!

    pee ess: our Daddy is liberal with treats, too. Daddies rock!

  7. Squashies, your hat looks great! Because it covers your black markings, you look completely's like you are in disguise!

  8. You look very distinguished in that beautiful hat.

  9. Awww beautiful Squashies!! Me and Charlie adore you with your lovely hat from Sammy and Andy's! We think the big yellow rose suits you!!

    We are sending your mum our sympathies for Cousin Jim. May he rest in peace.

    We like that your dad is giving you and TK extra treats too!

    Take care

  10. Hey there Squashies
    I'm really sorry to hear about the loss in your family and want to wish your mom lots of strength and comfort.
    Your hat is really lovely.
    Sending lotsaluv to you all.

  11. Squashies, you look fabulous in that hat! Well, you look fabulous anyway! We especially love your extra toes!

  12. We are very sorry to hear about Cousin Jim. By the way, you look totally devine in your hat!

  13. We are so sorry to hear about Cousin Jim passing and send our most sincere condolances to your Mom and her family at this difficult time...You look gorgeous in your pretty hat, Squashies; you are such a lovely girl...Happy weekend wonderful friends; be sure to give your Mommy extra cuddles when she comes home...kitty kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  14. We are sorry about cousin Jim. We send comforting purrs to yours and his family.
    You look lovely in your hat.

  15. I am very sorry for the loss of your Cousin Jim. Soft purrs for your whole fambly.

    Squashies, you look beautiful in that fancy hat, and I especially love seeing your fancy feet!

  16. You are beautiful in that hat, Squashies!!

    We are sorry to hear about your cousin Jim. We send comforting purrs to your family....

  17. sorry to hear about your cousin Jim. Those extra treats sound good though.

  18. We're so sorry about your cousin Jim, you have our purrs.

    As for your hat. . . adorable!

  19. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    You do look SO lovely in your hat my dear!!

  20. We are sorry to hear about your Cousin Jim, and are glad that your mom got to spend some time with her dad.

    You look sweet in your hat Miss Squashies.


  21. Love the hat, you desearve lots of treats. Give your Mom extra purrs and cuddles when she gets home, she will need them.

  22. Dear TK, Squashies, Mom and Dad,
    we are very sorry to read about the loss of Cousin Jim. We hope in time beautiful memeories of him will fill your heart and make you all feel better,
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  23. Squashies you are positively gorgeous!

  24. Daddies always give more treats ! Usually they don't go to the vets either, lol !
    You look very elegant with this "Queen's" hat !
