Thursday, April 29, 2010
I has a Embarrassed!
I am sorry we haven't come to visit this week. Our mommy is using the computer like all the time!
We promise to catch up next week when things aren't so hectic around here.
We miss our friends!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Rainy Mancat Monday
As you can see, the rain has done a lot to green up TKdom. I'm really just saying so you knows that I tries to find the bright spot. Truth is, I really don't likes the rain. It gets in the way of my deck time and my walks.
Best thing to do is nap through it!
The sun will come out tomorrow... or the next day. I can nap as long as it takes.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Friends Friday- Society of Feline Gardeners
Every Thursday I looks forward to visiting my friends Jonesie and Alfie, because Thursday is garden day. Now I don't really has a garden of my own, but after I reads about their gardening advenshurs I always feels imspired to goes outside and sees the green things that is growing.
So last night I convinces mommy that we should takes a walk. I do this by standing at the door and scream "OUT, OOOOOOOOOOOOOUT!" at the top of my voice.
And out we go:
While mommy tries to take artsy picshurs of the sunset and lilacs, (tragically marred by the man-hole,)
I does my best to checks on the status of the lilac bush's base and roots like Jonesie and Alfie would do.
Next we checks out these vines that not quite get started yet.

Has a great weekend everybody!
So last night I convinces mommy that we should takes a walk. I do this by standing at the door and scream "OUT, OOOOOOOOOOOOOUT!" at the top of my voice.
And out we go:
While mommy tries to take artsy picshurs of the sunset and lilacs, (tragically marred by the man-hole,)
I'm not really sure what I'm looking for, I'm just learning about the gardening stuff, but I can say there is no mousies in here, which has to be a good thing... right?
Then I takes some time to smell the azalea bushes.
And of course I got to nom some grass.
Has a great weekend everybody!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy Earth Day!
We are joining our friends The Island Cats in making our blog carbon-neutral cause we thinks trees is good!
If you follows all the rules, and sends a email to the mans in Germany, then he will plants a tree to breaths-in the carbon that your blog breaths-out.
1. Write a blog post about the initiative + insert your favourite button
2. E-mail the link to your post to
3. We plant a tree for your blog in Plumas’!
Note: We plant a tree for each domain. Please copy the html-code and paste it in your blog. Make sure the carbon-neutral button works, the html-code must not be changed. Use the carbon-neutral-white button for a white background or the carbon-neutral-transparent button for different colored backgrounds. If you need help, please contact We are looking forward to planting your tree!
If you follows all the rules, and sends a email to the mans in Germany, then he will plants a tree to breaths-in the carbon that your blog breaths-out.
I didn't even know my blog was breathing!
So here is the rules:
1. Write a blog post about the initiative + insert your favourite button
2. E-mail the link to your post to
3. We plant a tree for your blog in Plumas’!
Note: We plant a tree for each domain. Please copy the html-code and paste it in your blog. Make sure the carbon-neutral button works, the html-code must not be changed. Use the carbon-neutral-white button for a white background or the carbon-neutral-transparent button for different colored backgrounds. If you need help, please contact We are looking forward to planting your tree!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Every morning I wakes mommy at 4am. She never seems to mind. She gives me a scritchs on the head in the vain hopes that I’ll take a nap, and she can catch a few more winks. Sometimes I let her go back to sleep for a few minutes, but most of the time I’m just too hungry to go along with that game.
So with my big manly paw on her face, I signal that it is time to get up. After she groans and slowly swings to the side of the bed, she usually gives Squashies and me a pet-pet good morning. Then she gets up and goes to the bean’s litter room with the shuffle-walk of the partially-living dead.
We are very pashunt.
We sits in the hall til she makes that splashy noise that means it is time to run down the steps like a wild herd.
Then we both takes our places in the kitchen to watch the ‘Zombie-Mombie’ show.
P.S. mombie takes the fotos for this post. As you can see zombies can't take picshurs very good.
So with my big manly paw on her face, I signal that it is time to get up. After she groans and slowly swings to the side of the bed, she usually gives Squashies and me a pet-pet good morning. Then she gets up and goes to the bean’s litter room with the shuffle-walk of the partially-living dead.
We are very pashunt.
We sits in the hall til she makes that splashy noise that means it is time to run down the steps like a wild herd.
Then we both takes our places in the kitchen to watch the ‘Zombie-Mombie’ show.
As our drama begins, mombie comes into the kitchen and fumbles on the wall for the light switch that has been in the same place for EVER.
This is when the hardest part of our day starts. We has to wait while mombie fumbles through the food drawer, picks a can and relearns how to use a pull-top. It’s painful to watch… not because mombie struggles, but because we are so very tail-quiveringly hungry. I’m pretty sure if she put it on the floor Squashies could use her thumbs to open the can faster.
The food is then put into a bowl, chopped, covered and put in the microwave for 12 seconds. Not so hard right? Wrong! Meanwhile, Squashies paces.
With the ding of the microwave we all rotate to our next positions- Squashies to her table in the not-so-sunny-for-breakfast room and me to my placemat in the living room. You might wonder why we is served in two rooms. Let’s just say that Squashies eats very slowly and I eats very, very fast.
This is when mombie’s hardest part of the day starts. She has to sit at the table and waits for Squashies to eat her food, without falling asleep. It takes my little sister 10-12 minutes to eat 1 ounce of food!?! After the first 2 minutes, the time it takes me to eat 2 ounces of food, Mombie can not waver, for I am sitting at her feet waiting for her to faulter…
After 5 minutes, Squashies does her first pretend bury. This involves scratching the table and bumping her bowl around with her foot. Mombie then gets up and gives us each 2 temptashuns, mostly for me being a good boy and not jumping on the table.
Generally by the third pretend-bury, Squashies is really done. Then mombie puts the bowl on the floor for my inspecshun. She does this in an attempt to teach me not to jump up on the table. It doesn’t really train me, I am a cat after all, but it does save me the effort of jumping on the table for the necessary examinashun.
After I have thoroughly inspect the bowl, sometimes getting a lick of juice, mombie gets up, washes our bowls, scoops the liter pan, and shuffles back up the steps and falls into bed.
In the next two hours mombie will transform into the mommy we all know and love. But each day, in the wee hours of the morning, we lucky cats get to watch the dead rise!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Thankful Thursday
We are purring fur you Miss Daisy!
Happy Birthday Auntie SheShe!
Things I, TK, is thankful for:
1. My furrever home. Where I has a safeNwarm and lots of grate gushiefud to noms!
2. My yard, that has lots of green grass to noms!
3. The sunspots that provides a nice place to doze when I is done nomming.
A few of you observant kitties noticed that I looked a little down in the picshur on my post yesterday. Truth is I've been a little sick the last few days. I has a little sniffle, nothing earth shattering. Every time before I noms my mommy listens to my chest with that funny tube thing she sticks in her ears, and she seems to be satisfied that I'm not dying or anything, so I guess we can all rest easy, cept my noms has that funny medicine tastes to it the last couple of days.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Tasty Tuesday
Hi Blog friends, TK here.
It was 96 degrees here today. More like July than April. It was HOT!
So we broke out our Summer schedule and went outside to eat some tasty grass.
We hopes everyone gots to enjoy some summer too!
It was 96 degrees here today. More like July than April. It was HOT!
So we broke out our Summer schedule and went outside to eat some tasty grass.
Nom Nom Nom.
Om Nom Nom!
Squashies came out too, but she really doesn't like how her harness pulls her long hairs, so she never stays out too long.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Cherry Blossoms!
Hi Blog friends, TK here.
On Thursday mommy and daddy leaves us all alone so they can go to Washington DeeCee to see the cherry blossoms. When they gets home they tells us and shows us all the picshurs of their visit. This post is about their trip as they splain it to us.
They takes the train in to DeeCee because there is never any place to park. So they takes the Orange line from New Carrollton to the Smithsonian stop.
So first then they had to get to the cherry trees. So they got off of the train and walked.
They had to walks down the National Mall past all the Smithsonian museums, lots of Federal buildings and the Washington monument.
We hopes you likes our telling of a trip we not go on, with crabcakes we not eatted.
On Thursday mommy and daddy leaves us all alone so they can go to Washington DeeCee to see the cherry blossoms. When they gets home they tells us and shows us all the picshurs of their visit. This post is about their trip as they splain it to us.
They takes the train in to DeeCee because there is never any place to park. So they takes the Orange line from New Carrollton to the Smithsonian stop.
So first then they had to get to the cherry trees. So they got off of the train and walked.
They had to walks down the National Mall past all the Smithsonian museums, lots of Federal buildings and the Washington monument.
Then they visits the World War II monument that they puts right at the end of the reflecting pool!
Then they had to walk down the reflecting pool, which was full of algae this year due to the rain. This duck didn't seem to mind at all!
And then they went right up to the Lincoln memorial.
This was taken from President Lincoln's house. Mommy always sais "Jenny!" whenever she sees this picture, I don't know why. She sais it is about some man named Forest Gump.
This is Mr. Lincoln hisself!
This all the pretty cherry blossoms. Mommy sais they were very white this year.
This is a picshur of President Jefferson's house from across the "Tidal basin".
This President Jefferson hisself.
So then they has crabcake samitchs in a nice resturant, and they not bring any home for us!?!
Then mommy and daddy walks and walks to goes to a art museum with paintings of people's faces. They weren't allowed to take picshurs there, so we didn't get to see.
When they comes home, we were very hungry for crabcakes, but we eats our regular dinner and mommy and daddy were very tired and mommy falls asleep right in her chair!