
Saturday, March 27, 2010

I gets a reward from The Crews' Views

Our friend George over at the Crews' Views gives us our first ever reward, a few weeks ago.

We is very honored that George do this fur us, and we is very sorry that mommy not helps us blog about it til now. (She has been working very hard on the computer doing boring stuff that she calls code-in.)

Here are the rules:
To accept this award you must pass it on to 12 other recipients and post their blog links along with the award and of course send a comment to them telling them how they have brought SUNSHINE to you.

These rules is very hard for us cause so many of our new friends in the blogsphere has brought us happinesses and a lots of kittehs already gets this reward.  We not choose for other stuff cause we really love all our bloggy kitteh friends and we not can really choose anyone particular. So we chose by "bloggin aboves and beyond the meows of duty". We knows that many many of the bloggers have gone out of their way to helps the community, cyber and real-life, its just the way kittehs are. We also knows that we only been here a short while, and we not sees everything.

But we wants to give a reward to these kittehs that we thinks has done extraordinary works so that kittehs can find furrever homes, (since we been blogging.)

1) Brian We all know he is the king of the kitteh adopshun advocates. And has a heart the size of the ocean!  I knows a kitteh name Grayson that will never forgets him.

2) Old Kitty who after losing her dear kitty of 17 years and 8 months, still finds room in her grieving heart for a little kitty who really needs her.

3) Caroline's Cat who is getting ready to open her heart and her home to a kitteh for the first time. And for giving an older kitteh a chance to find the love she deserves.

4) Jan's Funny Farm whose heart is so ready to helps that she's pratically running a zoo over there. (Even with a broken toe.)

We wants to give a reward to these kittehs fur doing sweet things fur bloggers that we notices since we been blogging.

5) Zippy, Sadie and Speedy for being the firsts to notice us, then to go out of their way to welcome us to the blogsphere AND tell the other kittehs about us. They has done this fur other kittehs too.

6) Skeeter, King, Pandora and Cricket for spotlighting us when we first gets started. They does this fur kittehs all the time.

7) Fin for the fantastic Cat-O-lympics, which was our first big blog game

8) Jacqueline for writting loving, thoughtful comments on everykittehs' blogs.

9) Sammy and Andy for being sweets and making every kitteh in the bloggersphere feels loved. And taking them on vacations, and to the beach and flying around on there afgans when kittehs needs them.

10) Daisy for being a celbartee with a hugemongous fanbase, and still finds time to visit and comments on everykittehs' site. (I knows she gets this reward already, so she not need to post about it; I just wants her to know that we notices.)

11) George, Tipper, Max and Misty who goes out of their way to includes the new kittehs in rewards and games. (I know I not suppose to gives it back to them, but they fits the category.)

Someone was sweet enough to points out that we weren't suppose to tell why the kittehs was speshul to us here but to tell in a comment on their site. I hopes no kitteh gets hurted feelings that I does it like this for this time. I know I seem to gets the games wrong all the time. (Likes I never tells the story about the hummingbird in my first meme either.)  I promise to trys to follow directions better.


  1. Congratulations on your sunny award!...Thank you so much for thinking of us, we are truly honored to be your friends...Wishing you guys a wonderful, fun weekend filled with love and sunshine!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  2. Awww TK and Squashies - THANK YOU!

    You are truly lovely kitties! And very clever bloggie kitties too! Me and Charlie love your posts and so your mum should be most proud of you two! We hope she is now finished with her boring stuff so you can hog the pooter to your little furry hearts' content! Yay!

    Charlie loves the daffodils spring banner, btw!

    Take care - have a great weeekend and THANK YOU for my and Charlie's lovely award! Purrs!


  3. Congratulations on your sunny award! :-)

  4. Congratulations on your award! And thank you ever so much for thinking of me, too. You are nice! Happy weekend to you!

  5. Concatulations on your well deserved award.

  6. Congrats on the nice award and I am very honored that you shared it with me...thanks for the nice comments too, they made me feel very special.

  7. Congrats on your award! And don't worry about the rules, we think rules are silly! xoxo

  8. Concats on your award. You have passed it on to some very good kitties. Don't worry about putting the reason why on your post instead of in the comments. It's up to you where you put them, the rules are only guidelines. We think it is better the way you did it because everyone read why you gave the award to the ones you chose.

  9. Concats on da award and thank yoo furry much fur thinking of us! Wow, were really honored. As soon as we can get mom to settle in fur a bit we'll haf her post it. She's awfully hard to manage sometimes.

  10. Congratulations and thank you so much for passing it on to me... and my (very) soon to be kitty.

  11. ConCats on your award and thank you SOOOO furry much for passing it along to us!!!

  12. Hi TK and Squashies!!

    I just came over again to get my lovely and very pretty award (Thank you!!!)and just read your edit!

    Which made me laugh so much! Awwwww - I think you both did brilliantly - sometimes it's more fun to bend the rules a little bit.


    take care

  13. Congratulations to your award !
    Help her with the boring stuff, lol !

  14. THanks so much for the amazing commnets on my blog, it made me feel great.. LOve your blog too.

  15. Congrats on your well deserved award!!!! Boy it sounds like your mom is a Secret agent working on
    'code in'!!! Whoopee the kitties are her body guards.
    Madi and Mom

  16. Oh, dear, we feel really embarrassed.....we knew you had given us the award and thought we had thanked you for it.....but appears we hadn't. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! xxxxxxxxxx

  17. Congratulations on your award!!
    It is difficult for us 3Amigos from Japan to understand the details about the rules...
    but anyway,
    You do deserve the sunshine award!!

  18. You did nothing wrong! And you made great choices to pass it on.

