
Friday, March 12, 2010

Go-Bags and Kitteh mergency evac

Hi Blog Friends, TK here.

My mommy is a little crazy bout preparedness. (Now I loves my mommy more than anything but when I say she's "crazy" about this one topic- I really mean it.. she's nuts.) She sais she likes to have tools/supplies fur every situation. She spends quite a bit of time thinking about it. So one thing she thinks about is what would happen if we has to leave the house ‘cause of mergency. What would we needs to survive for 3 and 7 days without any help from outside.

So everyone in the house has a go-bag… Including us kitties. I thought I shares how us kitties are prepared for mergencies!  Mommy sais I should say that this list is just for us kitties, that we has more stuff then she and daddy do cause we are speshul, but they has their stuff too.  Also the linkies are just so you can see what I'm talking about if you wants to make a go-bag too, you can get the stuff other places... Cept Darling Millie’s Mommy’s bag- they are really awesome and they are the purrfect shape for this purrpose, they are also very well made and stylish, you should totally buy those!

Mommy forget to adds one thing you would need in your kitteh-go-bag, she not has this in our bag because she carries a roll with her all the time.  Doggie-Poop bags are the purrfect way to dispose of litter and sets up a camp recycle sack for empty food cans.

She sais they is so handy she always has them in her bag. She sais you should get the kind with handles so you can tie them off or use them as extra carriers like when you are at the airport and your hands is all full and you buys a sam-itch that comes in a paper sack and you has to carry your drinkie. Then you can put your sack in a poop-bag, put the handles over your wrist, and carries your drink! They comes in bio-degradeable too so you not hurts the environment.

In the frigadator
• Insulin

Near the door (foyer closet)
this is also stuff we use day to day, cept the food that we keeps here so it not cook in the car while we is waiting for a mergency to happen

• 2 kitty harnesses
• 2 30’ retractable leashes
• 2 PTUs
•28 cans chicken fancy feast #

In the kitty go-bag
This bag is for portablity of most important stuff, set up so we can do well for 3 days without outside help/shopping, even if we can't takes the car.

• 1 Collapsible Liter pan ClassyPet®
• 1 long liter bottle litter (old water bottle. Make sure it is dry before filling.)
• 2 long liter bottles water- we shares this with mommy and daddy for us to get to where it is safe.
• 3 small stackable plastic bowls
• 1 ground stake, 2 simple leashes, 2 kitty harnesses in Darling Millie’s Mommy’s bag.
• 1 kitteh brush, clippers
• 1 minor first-aid kit (kitteh and bean stuff)
• 20 insulin injectables (needles)~ also in a Millie bag
• 30 chem cold packs~ First-Aid Products
• 1 unbreakable Thermos®~ large enough for insulin + 1 cold pack
• 10 chem heat packs First-Aid Products
• 1 bag of temptations #
• 12 cans Fancy Feast® Chicken #
• small bag of assorted toys
• 2 rolls Poop bags.

In the car
This is stuff that would make 7 more days camping out comfortable for kitties without outside help/shopping.

• 1 32oz Folgers® coffee containers of litter (this also makes grate traction element if you gets stuck in the snow, just remember to refill it when you gets home.)
• 2 small kitty beds
• 2 soft blankie (one to go over the crate so if we in public indoor relocation, we has some privacy)
• 5 gal of water (we shares this with mommy and daddy when we are at our safe place.)
• 1 folding crate
• 2 30’ retractable leashes
• 1 major trama/first-aid kit (kitteh and bean stuff- both my daddy and mommy used to be paramedics!)
• 1 4-man tent (This incase public relocation not allow kittehs, we prepared to go-it-alone.)

~   for my insulin, no one else will not likely need these items

#   these items have about 12 month shelf life but due to spoilage these items must be rotated out on occasion, mommy puts expire date minus 1 month in her blackberry so she remembers to change them out


  1. I think your person is very prepared!

  2. Wow! Those are great preparedness kits!! meowm needs to get at least one of these together for us!

  3. Wow, that's awesome, your Mommy is very prepared=our Mommy better get on the ball!...xo..Calle, Halle, Sukki

  4. Those are some PAWesome preparedness kits. We thinks out mom should get to thinkin' about this sort of thing too!

  5. Y'know, TK...we think your mom is pretty smart to be so prepared. If there was an emergency with us, we don't know what we would do!

  6. We gots go bags too, but your Mom did a better job with yours I think!

  7. Has your mum been watching the movie The Road or something? My mum is no-where NEAR that organised!

  8. WOW! Now that IS organization! Kudos to your mom.

  9. Wow, you are really lucky your Mom is so well prepared. Here in earthquake country we also have an emergency bag, but it's not nearly as well stocked as yours. We may need to get our Moms to shape up.

  10. wow brudderz an sistahz ...
    Nice brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information
    an i meen it.

  11. Wow - your Mommy is really prepared. We need to have a talk with our momma to see if she's got stuff prepared for us!

    Charlemagne and Tamar

  12. What a wonderful mum to have everything all prepared and ready for everything! Yay to your mum!

    Take care
    p.s. thank you for your purrs for my heart to heal, thank you

  13. Wow! I wish my mom had it that together! Thanks also for coming by & visiting me.

  14. Because I'm living in Japan-the earthquake country,I really think my mom should be more prepared!!!
    So I told her to read this post many times!
    You're so lucky to have such a wonderful mom!!!
    Love meow from Tokyo,

  15. Mom is so impressed! What a great list.

  16. That is very organised and most impressive. FAZ

  17. Your Mommy is very special !!
    Be careful with her ....

    Hugs Kareltje =^.^=

  18. It is nice that she is prepared for you too! I don't think it is crazy at all, I think it is very smart!

  19. Your Mom is one smart cookie! We're gonna urge our Mom to get prepared:)

  20. This is really great information, TK and Squashies! Your mom is well prepared!

  21. Wow this is actually really awesome info - we may have to have our mom put something together for us too! Our mom likes to be prepared - she caries a bunch of stuff with her just in case (she even has a fire starter flint in her purse!)
