
Monday, February 15, 2010

Mancat Monday

Hello friends, TK here.
This was a nice relaxing weekend with mommy and daddy.  Mommy wanted to go out and take some picshurs of Squashies and me in the snows, but I haven't changed my opinion about going out in the cold-wet. I mean really, if there's no grass to eat, whats the point?

So mostly we cuddled on the couch, got brushings and snuggles while mommy readed to us from the back-issues of some of your blogs. Mommy alternately laughed, cried and awwws through the happys, the sads, and the cutes of our new friends' lives, all openly and honestly documented.  We are in awes of the friendship, support and loves that you shares with each other. I'm sure we'll be at this for some time- there is so much contents out there, but what a great way to spend time.

This is me getting my belly rubbed. (Daddy took this picshur with mommy's blackberry so it isn't the gratest.) Mommy's lappytop is on the arm of the couch to the left of this picshur.

We spended a few hours of the weekend counting birdies.  This our second year doing it, because thats how long we been with mommy. But she been doing it fur a long times. She gots espeshully excited to has 3 geeses fly by. Unfortunately, there has been no signs of the Broadtails, and shes a little bit worried about them.

This is me relaxing after the bird counting

This is Squashies with Daddy. She's a Daddy's girl!

All and all it was a good weekend to be a cat!

If you haven't seen it you should stop by to Maxdog's blog, there are some very sweet things going on over there. This blog world is quite the amazing thing. I know we is late to the party, but you guys have really touched our harts and we are very glad to have found all of you!


  1. Thank you so much for coming by and wishing me a Happy Birthday! Your beans look like they're very nice:) ~Crikey

  2. Love the photos. Our Mom takes a lot of pics with her cell phone too, we think it looks just fine.

    We didn't have many birds this weekend either, but we are hoping they are just at someone else's bird feeder. xoxo

  3. The pics were terrific! We only had 3 birds this weekend...darn snow!

  4. You are both just so cute! We hope you had a great weekend and an even better Valentine's Day!

  5. Thanks for visiting our blog=we thought we would stop by and say hi, it's very nice to meet you!... We really love making new friends!!...Very cute pictures with Mom and Dad...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  6. Belly rubs are the best. Squashies is a cuddlebug with her daddy.

  7. Aw, cuddles and belly rubs are the best!!
