Hello blogs friends, TK here.
As you can sees from our new banner, we gets to go to ski events at the Olympics, and wes has a really good seats, right behinds the TeeVee camera. And looks who we brings with us, its Maxdog! We wants to honor him fur being such an amazing goggy. We purrays fur him and his fambily ebery nights, and open his blog every morning to see how he's doing.
We wern't going to post about him, as his friends have honored him in ways we never could. But we is overwhelmed with the grace and strength of this amazing guy and the love he shares with his fambily.
He teachs us all a bit about living life in the moment, and the importance of sharing love without reservashun.
Thanks for sharing that with us Max, you really are a grate guide dog.
edit: Added olympics banner below- for the archives.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Spring is coming!
I notices today that the days are getting longer, so I wants to post a nice spring picshur to reminds everykitteh that it not snow forever!
But it makes me a little bit sad that my Speshul Friend Poppy Q's autumn is coming and she is really liking being outside in the summer airs.
So that's all fur nows. Has a great day blog friends!
We can't wait for our Saturday picnics to starts back up again!
But it makes me a little bit sad that my Speshul Friend Poppy Q's autumn is coming and she is really liking being outside in the summer airs.
So that's all fur nows. Has a great day blog friends!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
We gets Olympic awards!
We had a lots of fun finding and getting picshurs for the cat Olympics. Was very nice of all the kittehs to host the events. We not really expect to wins anything cause there were some pawsome entries, way better than ours. But some of the nice kittehs make sure eberykitteh gets something. The cat blogsphere ROCKS!
Thanks again to all the hosts!
Squashies and me wins this from our friend Danielle for these pounces
We is so happies that our Midnight wins this from Amy's house of cats for this climbings
Squashies wins this from Amy's house of cats for this climbings
Thanks again to all the hosts!
Squashies and me wins this from our friend Danielle for these pounces
We is so happies that our Midnight wins this from Amy's house of cats for this climbings
Squashies wins this from Amy's house of cats for this climbings
Friday, February 19, 2010
Our Competitive pouncing entries
So these are entries fur Danielle's Competitive pouncing event.
This TK's entry:
This Squashie's entry:
Squahies doesn't beat up her toys very often, this is a very rare foto.
Mostly she likes to lay beside them and pretends to be a mama kitty.
This TK's entry:
This Squashie's entry:
Squahies doesn't beat up her toys very often, this is a very rare foto.
Mostly she likes to lay beside them and pretends to be a mama kitty.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Squashies' Late Night Human Wakeup entry
Mr. Tuck is sponsoring the Late Night Human Wakeup event!
Mommy was 'reading' with her eyes closed. I wakes her up to finish the chapter!
Mommy was 'reading' with her eyes closed. I wakes her up to finish the chapter!
Midnight's extreme climbing entry- outdoor
Midnight was mommy's little feral kitteh. He was the first cat to own her. He went out on his evening patrol on July 23, 2008 just before a sever flash flood, and she never saw him again. She misses him, and hope he's okay where ever he is... He opened mommy's and daddy's hearts to the love of cats and it was because of him that they adopted us. (Photo taken from the second story deck.)
I'm not sure if he qualifies, but we wanted to share anyway. (We writes about him a little more later.)
I'm not sure if he qualifies, but we wanted to share anyway. (We writes about him a little more later.)
Squashies extreme climbing-indoor entry
Stairwell bookshelf is 4 foot jump on the low end, but Squashies is about 8 foot off the floor where she is...
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Poppy Q accept my balloon!
Poppy Q says she likes my gift, she not laughs at me or anything. I feels so honored that she takes my balloon! She says we can be Speshul Friends! I has such a happy! Thank you Poppy Q.
Mancat Monday
Hello friends, TK here.
This was a nice relaxing weekend with mommy and daddy. Mommy wanted to go out and take some picshurs of Squashies and me in the snows, but I haven't changed my opinion about going out in the cold-wet. I mean really, if there's no grass to eat, whats the point?
So mostly we cuddled on the couch, got brushings and snuggles while mommy readed to us from the back-issues of some of your blogs. Mommy alternately laughed, cried and awwws through the happys, the sads, and the cutes of our new friends' lives, all openly and honestly documented. We are in awes of the friendship, support and loves that you shares with each other. I'm sure we'll be at this for some time- there is so much contents out there, but what a great way to spend time.
We spended a few hours of the weekend counting birdies. This our second year doing it, because thats how long we been with mommy. But she been doing it fur a long times. She gots espeshully excited to has 3 geeses fly by. Unfortunately, there has been no signs of the Broadtails, and shes a little bit worried about them.
If you haven't seen it you should stop by to Maxdog's blog, there are some very sweet things going on over there. This blog world is quite the amazing thing. I know we is late to the party, but you guys have really touched our harts and we are very glad to have found all of you!
This was a nice relaxing weekend with mommy and daddy. Mommy wanted to go out and take some picshurs of Squashies and me in the snows, but I haven't changed my opinion about going out in the cold-wet. I mean really, if there's no grass to eat, whats the point?
So mostly we cuddled on the couch, got brushings and snuggles while mommy readed to us from the back-issues of some of your blogs. Mommy alternately laughed, cried and awwws through the happys, the sads, and the cutes of our new friends' lives, all openly and honestly documented. We are in awes of the friendship, support and loves that you shares with each other. I'm sure we'll be at this for some time- there is so much contents out there, but what a great way to spend time.
This is me getting my belly rubbed. (Daddy took this picshur with mommy's blackberry so it isn't the gratest.) Mommy's lappytop is on the arm of the couch to the left of this picshur.
We spended a few hours of the weekend counting birdies. This our second year doing it, because thats how long we been with mommy. But she been doing it fur a long times. She gots espeshully excited to has 3 geeses fly by. Unfortunately, there has been no signs of the Broadtails, and shes a little bit worried about them.
This is me relaxing after the bird counting
This is Squashies with Daddy. She's a Daddy's girl!
All and all it was a good weekend to be a cat!
If you haven't seen it you should stop by to Maxdog's blog, there are some very sweet things going on over there. This blog world is quite the amazing thing. I know we is late to the party, but you guys have really touched our harts and we are very glad to have found all of you!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
I feel Shy but..
Hi everyone TK here.
So I has been thinking about this since I first see'd her. She is a very prurrty grey kitteh and errrr, well- you know... I hopes she nots get mad, but I wants to give this speshul kitteh a valentime present...
So I has been thinking about this since I first see'd her. She is a very prurrty grey kitteh and errrr, well- you know... I hopes she nots get mad, but I wants to give this speshul kitteh a valentime present...
The Blizzard of '10- Tall Snows
Hello everyones, TK here.
So first I wants to show you all the tall snows in my domain. if you look at the fence you can see how the snow came down this week.

6 inches
30 inches
42 inches!
Sorry the picshurs not the best, mommy's been really busy working so she couldn't help me. I has been very pashunt and sits on her desk to keep her company while she writes her codes for Cly Ants. I don't really know what that is, excepts when she has to work, I don't get times on the computer to blog.
I hopes we gets some time to walks outside tomorrow. It is Caturday after all.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
A Squashies' Imaginings
Hello Blog furrends, TK here.
Mommy and daddy spended the day out shoveling the neighborhood's snows. They always helps the older peoples shovel cause it is harder for them, specshully when the snows is so tall. When mommy comes in to give us our lunch, she says she's noticing that she not a spring-chicken anymore either. So I loans her my heatypad while we eats.
Then she puts me in my harness to go outside!?! I think the snows freeze her brain- there is no ways I's going out there! So while she was inviting me out, Squashies goes out the door. I know.. right? Squashies never wants to goes out.
*Squashies Imagination Sequence*
Mommy and daddy spended the day out shoveling the neighborhood's snows. They always helps the older peoples shovel cause it is harder for them, specshully when the snows is so tall. When mommy comes in to give us our lunch, she says she's noticing that she not a spring-chicken anymore either. So I loans her my heatypad while we eats.
Then she puts me in my harness to go outside!?! I think the snows freeze her brain- there is no ways I's going out there! So while she was inviting me out, Squashies goes out the door. I know.. right? Squashies never wants to goes out.
*Squashies Imagination Sequence*
"Squashies, the world renowned explorer, leading her expedition into the vastly unexplored, frozen tundra of Maryland."
"Ever cautious, her steely gaze notes the footprints of a rare and dangerous predator, the vishus Deere snow blower."
“Wary of the weakening state of the inexperienced members of the expedition,
the brave adventurer leads her group to safety through the vast 'Sidewalk Chasm’”
"The expedition will seek the shelter of the base station to weather the ni..... *POOF*
HEY someone left treats on the stoop!"
Meanwhile, back at the base station:
"Yeah, I thinks I'll pass."
Working on my Blog Template
Hi Blog Furrends, I has been working on the look-N-feel for my blogs; trying to makes it personals. Sort of like when I has to push all the sand around in the literbox before I get down to buisness. You know how it is... So this thing might be jumping round a bit for the next couple of days, I hopes it not make you dizzy.
I don't really have anything else to do while mommy and daddy are outside moving the 30" of snows around. Between you and me, I thinks it looked much better before they started, but it seems to make them happy.
I don't really have anything else to do while mommy and daddy are outside moving the 30" of snows around. Between you and me, I thinks it looked much better before they started, but it seems to make them happy.
Friday, February 5, 2010
In my brother's mancat shadow
Hi TK's blogs. My name is Squashies, I'm TK's little sister. TK said I could blog too, because some people had asked about me. So I will tell you about me. (It's very nice that you asked.) TK says I should say that I'm shy so I don't seem stand-offish. But really I'm just little, and people don't understand. When I get "put down" without being lowered, it is a long way down and my legs are very short and can't absorb the momentum so well. So I don't like to be picked up, or handled much.
Squashes a few days after arriving at her Furrever home.
Mommy and I have been working on it, but she lets me do it at my pace. So every day when mommy takes her shower, I guard the door for her until she gets out. No one is allowed near the door- except daddy. Then, when she is out, I jump on the vanity and we get our 'girl' on. (We girls have to look our best!) When we are done, including giving me my brushings, mommy picks me up carefully and puts me down, not letting go until my feet are on the floor. I'm getting it, but I still get afraid.
But I don't get afraid when someone is threatening my people. When the man came to fix the furnace I growled at him the whole time he was here. (I'll not mention where TK was...) Mommy says I growl like a tiger!
I am very curious and can be silly. Oh... and I have thumbs.
Anyway, I'm going to take a nap, and suck my thumb. Thanks for asking about me!
Guardian of TKdom
Hello Blogs. I promised to have mommy takes a picshur of me watching the show-in-the-snow. So this is pretty much how I spends my day while mommy is working.
Although sometimes I curl up and takes a nap. After all it's not an easy job keeping track of all these comings and goings.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Thusday Thirteen
I has a very big happy. I has my first follower! Speedy (of Zippy, Sade and Speedy) comes by from my hero Kismet's site. Speedy says I is a hansome mancat too, which is sayin somefing given his hansomnessess. Thanks fur coming Speedy!
I also has a happy that my hero Kismit seems to be feelin better wif his medisines. He says him gives the VET a run jus like a mancat should.
Is gud all these happies cause we are honkerin down fur the big snow storm coming tomorrow. I sepect I'll just hang out in my window bed and watch the show, which should be quite exciting as all the aminals gets ready to honker down too. My window bed is on my mommy's desk that she works on during the day. It's on the thrid floor and overlooks the vast forest and fields that is my domain. We has a bird feeder and a ground feeder where daddy feeds the feral kittehs and sometimes the foxes, racoons and even vishus deers. So in honors of my first visitor, Speedy, I offishually publish my first Thursday Thirteen.
Thirteen things that comes to my domain:
I also has a happy that my hero Kismit seems to be feelin better wif his medisines. He says him gives the VET a run jus like a mancat should.
Is gud all these happies cause we are honkerin down fur the big snow storm coming tomorrow. I sepect I'll just hang out in my window bed and watch the show, which should be quite exciting as all the aminals gets ready to honker down too. My window bed is on my mommy's desk that she works on during the day. It's on the thrid floor and overlooks the vast forest and fields that is my domain. We has a bird feeder and a ground feeder where daddy feeds the feral kittehs and sometimes the foxes, racoons and even vishus deers. So in honors of my first visitor, Speedy, I offishually publish my first Thursday Thirteen.
Thirteen things that comes to my domain:
1- Sam the one-eyed-fox
2- The outfielders for Toronto
3- The pitcher for St. Louis
4- This bird (you gets extra credit if you knows what he is.)
5- Mourning doves
6- Robins (this on got eatted by #13 2 weeks after this picshur.)
7- This brownheaded cowbird (who shouldn't be this far east.)
8-This silly squirrels, and elebenty hundred of his fambily
9- Vishus deers, this one is using his vishus rack to shake the birdfeeder to get the corms!
10- This very purty Indigo Bunting.
11- This Rosebreasted Grosbeak.
This proofs that we has both forests and fields.
12- Rabbits (this one is lucky that hawk is jus a baby!)
And my very favor-ite one is...
13- This Broadwinged Hawk and its mate, the parent of #12, and the eatter of #6.
I hopes you enjoy my first Thirteen! I promises to get mommy to takes a picshur of me in my window beds so you can sees what a wonderous domain I has!